Hunter Falls 22ft From Tree Stand
Here is the video of the incident with an Ohio hunter that falls twenty-two feet from a tree. Experience September 17, 2011 “The day that changed my life… forever!”
Length : 5:56

Trespassers Caught On Hunter’s Trail Camera, 2012
This landowner catches more than he expected on his trail camera during the month of March 2012. Two individuals walk up and notice the camera while trespassing.
Length : 0:31

Whitetail Buck Visits Hunters | Dubuque, Iowa
While Yote hunting, these two hunters have a personal visit from a whitetail buck . Jake Downing and Matt Youso experienced this random visit in Dubuque, Iowa and captured the footage released March of 2012.
Length : 2:46

More & More Turkeys, Relocating Birds In Large Numbers
Large turkey population traveling in Ohio. The footage shows amazing amounts of these birds relocating to a new forage area.
Length : 1:13

Determined Eagle Swims | Mallard Lake, Baton Rouge
Determined Eagle swims to retrieve nutrai in water. Footage was taken at Mallard Lakes subdivision in Baton Rouge. A rare sight to capture an eagle go to such extreme measures.
Length : 2:03

Deer Hunting For Bargains On Black Friday
The only predictable thing about a rutting buck is his unpredictability. As we see in this recent 2012 footage they do things that make absolutely no sense.
Length : 0:08

Airborne Rhinos | Success Of The Translocation
This is a new technique of translocation and a way that’s actually easier on the animal. Some locations are inaccessible and that’s the purpose of chopper method.
Length : 3:28

Deer Found In 12 Ft. Dry Well Alive | Truro Rescue
Truro, Massachusetts was the location and firefighters spent most of their sunday planning a way to rescue this fallen deer. The doe crossed the path of a 12-foot hole January 2012.
Length : 1:48

Over 2000 Ducks Crossing, Nature In Pankhaton
An amazing look at over 2000 ducks crossing to a rice field in Thailand. The nature footage was picked up outside of Pankaton in 2010.
Length : 2:59

Wisconsin Rifle Season, Does Fighting Over Food
Late November whitetail-footage during gun season. This hunter is awaiting a big Wisconsin whitetail. A buck didn’t make way but he was fortunate to pickup a short glimpse of does fighting over food.
Length : 1:54

Woody Browse, Moose Climbs On Shed 2012
New footage capturing two moose ventured onto a seven foot snow drift in Anchorage, Alaska. One moose decides to climb on a nine foot shed to browse. Eventually the 500 pounds break the shed.
Length : 1:08

Live Buck Lockup Rescue, 2011 Whitetail Deer
Two whitetail bucks locked up, one dead and one alive. Watch two individuals step in to help this tough situation for the living buck. A rare day presented by Oneill Ops all captured on film.
Length : 4:40

Whitetail Sheds Antler
This video captures a buck shedding an antler during late February of 2012. Paul Metts picked up the footage of this yearly event for male deer. A prelude shed is a form of regeneration and re-growth for male deer.
Length : 0:49

Two Bucks Entangled In Phone Cable – 2012, CA
On October 27, 2012 these two bucks probably expected a normal fight. Sadly this was not the case at hand. WildRescue received an emergency call regarding two bucks locked up and in a deep mess of old phone-line cable.
Length : 1:14

Deer Burst Through Glass & Runs Over Girl, 2012
Unusual footage of a deer crashing through a glass door and running over an eleven-year-old girl. The wild day was last Sunday February 26th. Samantha Irons was at the BP station in Dacula, Georgia.
Length : 2:08

2013 Scotland Deer Panic Encounter
This bizarre footage shows a man turning on his camera while walking home in Tillydrone, Scotland. A trapped and scared deer soon appears and gives this man a scare of a lifetime.
Length : 0:57

First Crossbow Helicopter Hunt Ever, Hog Hunting 2012
The release of the first ever crossbow hunt from a helicopter. Synergy Outdoors with Barnett Crossbows is pleased to share this new hunting footage in 2012.
Length : 2:43

Pheasants Everywhere – South Dakota
This video shows a large conglomeration of both hens and roosters on a farm near Kennebec, South Dakota.
Length : 2:24

A Special Shed – EastCoastHunting
More shed hunting footage and this time it comes from East Coast Hunting.
Length : 1:29

Scavengers By Nature, Bear Clip
Bear captured on film by Christine Jackson. Showing a quick clip of a bear taking a fish for a meal. Food sources vary in availability for a bear. This hunting footage shows one of it’s favorites. A scavenger by nature caught on film.
Length : 0:20

Cranbrook Deer, Dog, Cat Confrontation
Fred Subra picked up footage showing a newborn fawn creating a dangerous situation when mom gets naturally protective in a busy urban area.
Length : 1:55

Buck Stuck In Hammock, Set-Free Part II, Wisconsin
Part 2 of the Wisconsin whitetail tangled in the hammock. A family member steps in to attempt a cut free. This amazing deer footage was captured on February 2, 2011.
Length : 1:01

Buck Stuck In Hammock, Hang-Up Part I, Wisconsin
Wisconsin whitetail buck stuck in hammock. This amazing deer footage was captured on February 2, 2011. The buck attempts to sway and swing trying to break loose.
Length : 1:54

Incredible Black Wolf & Mule Deer Standoff
Muley stands off with black wolf. New footage captured just days ago at Jackson Hole in Wyoming. A single black wolf threatens a mule deer on top of a mountain.
Length : 3:15

Multiple Bowhunting Coyote Kill Shots, Hawg-N-Sons
Possibly the fastest three coyote bowhunting kill shots you will ever see. Spectacular hunting footage all captured on video. He is nailing these multiple coyote kill shots with Lumenok Lighted Nocks.
Length : 3:48

Birds Attack Young Buck, Nature Retaliation
It’s true, birds flying into the head of a young buck. This is not a random attack, the deer is eating another bird on the ground.
Length : 1:24

Buck Trapped In Construction Site
Steve Fischer Construction was in for a surprise. A deer in the basement, trapped and confused!
Length : 2:21

Camera Attacked By Bear, Nature 2011
This bear just can’t get enough of a camera in the woods. See more here showing the footage picked up on the interesting day. Photographer David Neils receives credit for the setup and picking up the amazing video.
Length : 2:27

Trail Cam Bigfoot, Another Encounter
This footage supports evidence of a possible Sasquatch creature. It’s clear that the images picked up are not a bear but is this really a bigfoot? Take a look here at the rare trail camera experience.
Length : 3:28

Gallatin Tsunami Dam Break
Gallatin River after an Ice Dam Breaks. This footage shows the force after moving to get ahead of the front wall.
Length : 3:59

Hunter Finds Deer In 30 FT. Tree, Odd Hunting 2012
2012 testimonial and footage of a deer found in a 30 ft. tree. The hunter was scouting a new place to hunt and came across this odd situation. He spotted a potential walnut tree for his stand and that’s when things got weird.
Length : 3:55

100 Plus Deer Stampede, Massive Herd
A herd of over 100 deer stampede in response to high-flooded-waters. Many have witnessed packs of deer while hunting but this footage shows extreme numbers in this particular group.
Length : 3:34