Goose Hunting
Somerset County Waterfowl
Justin Griffith and his friends hunt for geese in Somerset County Pennsylvania during the 2019-2020 Canada Goose Season.
Length : 10:13

Snow Way Out
In the first episode of a new film series, follow along with The Community for an exciting snow goose hunt in California with Scott Feist.
Length : 7:59

Fowled Reality Sizzle 2018
Fowled Reality Season 7 is just around the corner! With a cold 2018 season, they experienced loads of success and a few setbacks that made them work even harder. Get a glimpse of what’s to come in their latest sizzle reel.
Length : 2:17

In The Vortex
Goose hunting in Central Arkansas is on the bucket list of almost every waterfowl hunter. In this episode of THE HUNGER, watch Josh Dahlke and crew join some friends to capture this amazing experience.
Length : 15:31

The Experience
2017 was an incredible snow goose hunting season for Fowled Reality with Willow Creek Waterfowl. 3000 decoys, a 40 foot shipping container, extension tubes, cases of shells, and a TON of snow geese!
Length : 15:16

Earlier this season, Jake and Nick Miller took to the field in pursuit of Canadian geese. The day ended with success, in the form of new friends made and food on the table.
Length : 7:14

POM Waterfowl Hunt
Peterson Outdoors Ministries provides outdoor recreational therapy to wounded veterans as well as youth and adults with disabilities or terminal illnesses. For Fowled Reality, this is the third year they’ve filmed the waterfowl hunt hosted by them.
Length : 17:02

Waterfowl Mother Nature
In this video, Fowled Reality talks about two of those less than ideal conditions and how they have put a few good hunts together, despite Mother Nature doing her best keep it from happening.
Length : 12:56

Ear To Ear
Fowled Reality Season 6 continues, in this episode, a few of the kids from C&L Outdoor Adventures Guide Service and some local kids from Illinois light up ‘Ear to Ear’ during the youth waterfowl hunts in Missouri and Illinois.
Length : 9:57

Fowled Reality Season 6
This is a brief video of what’s to come in Fowled Reality’s Season 6 line of videos chasing ducks and geese!
Length : 1:45

Snow Goose Throwback
In snow goose hunting, scouting is very important. Couple it with being hidden and a little bit of luck and you have a recipe for success. See more in this throwback video with Fowled Reality.
Length : 11:46

Christmas Waterfowl Migration
For many of us, a big warmup is coming. What’s that mean for waterfowl? Check out Fowled Reality’s migration update in this week’s #WaterfowlWednesday video.
Length : 4:31

November Winds
This film shows us the passion a man has for his dogs, the land, and the golden days in Iowa fields.
Length : 5:44

LWO Early Season Goose
Follow some of the Leatherwood Outdoors crew as they meet up with friends in Somerset County Pennsylvania to hunt the early goose season. This footage spans the whole month of September.
Length : 7:33

Goose Hunt Chapter 3
In Part 3 of The Urban Huntsman’s Goose Hunt, it’s time to eat. Watch as Danny prepares a cooking dish with geese they harvested.
Length : 9:25

Goose Hunt Chapter 2
In Goose Hunt Chapter 2, The Urban Huntsman is in the blind as the geese start raining in the sky. See it now.
Length : 7:11

Northward: Snow Goose Hunt
After ideal snow goose hunting weather to kick off the 2015 conservation season, Fowled Reality knew this year would be tougher.
Length : 10:19

Goose Hunt Chapter 1
The Urban Huntsman leaves New York City to scout and prep for the next mornings goose hunt with his friend Adam.
Length : 2:35

Goose Hunt: X Marks The Spot
Finding “The X” is important in any waterfowl hunt, but especially when you’re chasing geese. They’re creatures of habit and being off their spot by just a bit can make all the difference.
Length : 10:52

Wheat Field Goose Hunt Plan B
Regardless of if you’re goose hunting or chasing ducks, having a plan b is always important. No matter how much scouting or planning you put into a hunt, something is bound to go wrong. Being able to quickly adjust can make all the difference at the end of the hunt.
Length : 10:21

Fowled Reality 2015/16
Here is a sizzle reel of Fowled Reality’s 2015/16 waterfowl hunting season.
Length : 1:45

Goose Hunting In Montana
Big skies and big geese for Fowled Reality. Follow them in ‘The X’ as they hunt geese in Montana.
Length : 11:13

Red Leg Outfitters
B3 Films delivers some action-packed waterfowl hunting in ‘Red Leg Outfitters’.
Length : 4:20

Rockhouse Motion: Wings
In WINGS, we simply wanted to show the best and most beautiful of our highlights, to throw the complexities of filmmaking aside, and to allow the birds, dogs, and wilderness tell the story.
Length : 1:52

Duck? Duck? Goose!
This video is a teaser from B3 Film’s Oklahoma hunt last weekend with HR Outfitters.
Length : 1:21

Ducks Unlimited Balancing Act
Ducks Unlimited delivers a new film about two hunters balancing multiple demands on their time while still making hunting a priority.
Length : 10:00

Wichita Wing Man Full
Join Colorado Buck and Rocky Top Outfitters on a tour of some of the finest Goose hunting in the world! Right down in Wichita Kansas.
Length : 23:05

Fowled Reality Full Circle
The 2015 waterfowl hunting season was a challenging year for many. For the most part, the weather was uncooperative. When the weather doesn’t cooperate, ducks and geese are usually the same way. The measure of a success of a season shouldn’t be put on the number of birds harvested. In this day and age, too much importance is put on “how many”. True success comes from the moments spent afield hunting with your friends and family. Those moments and the memories made determine the success of a hunting season.
Length : 11:27

Fowled Reality | First Crack
The recipe for good snow goose hunting includes warmth, wind, and sun. Fowled Reality was fortunate to have all three for the first 3 days of the Arkansas Conservation Season!
Length : 18:05

Fowled Reality | Bucket List
Fowled Reality traveled to Long Island to hunt with Knock Em Down Guide Service to in early January and get their first taste of a hunt they’ve wanted to film for a number of years.
Length : 12:37

Peterson Waterfowl Hunt
The 2015 Peterson Outdoor’s Wounded Warrior Canada Goose hunt ended with a great hunt on the bank of a small loafing pond.
Length : 14:15