Kansas Bobcat Encounter
While recently hunting in Kansas, Joseph Sumpter had a heart-pounding encounter with a wild bobcat. Watch the footage that shows this bobcat lurk in and quickly dash up the tree, soon to become face to face with Joseph!
Length : 0:56

Strangely WI Buck Encounter
A Janesville hunter had one of the most unusual experiences when he was deer hunting over the weekend, and the entire seven minute episode was captured on video.
Length : 7:06

Albino Deer In PA
John and Danielle spot a young albino whitetail doe in Clarion county Pennsylvania.
Length : 1:22

Muzzleloader Blows Up In Shooters Face
Courtney Crane shares a video that reminds us we can never be to safe. Watch as he films his buddy shooting his muzzleloader on the gun range when suddenly it blows up after firing a shot! They don’t know the exact reason why it happened but continue to be thankful it didn’t turn out to […]
Length : 1:23

Bear Charges Couple Driving In Alaska
A couple driving in Alaska was caught by surprise when a bear appeared, disappeared and then suddenly reappeared charging their vehicle. Watch the shocking footage that has recently gone viral!
Length : 0:27

Video: Tennessee hunter Stephen Tucker kills potential world-record deer
Learn about the Tennessee deer hunter who has harvested a 47-point whitetail buck that could be a world record.
Length : 0:57

Man Puts Living Deer in SUV Thinking it’s Dead
See the recent footage of a Wisconsin sheriff’s deputy responding to a man who said he had a dead deer in his trunk. But when he pulled it out, the deer got up and ran away!
Length : 0:55

Hunter Grabs A Bedded Mule Deer Buck
A hunter spots a young buck bedding down and then sneaks in to give this buck a big surprise awakening.
Length : 1:01

Hunter Harassed By Dishonest Neighbors
From air horns to false calls to the cops and DNR, this hunter shares his battle of dealing with constant harassment while hunting on his own land.
Length : 5:58

Deer Shakes Hands With Man
This short clip shows a man and deer shaking hands, on command.
Length : 0:10

Mountain Lion In Residence Window Well
A young child was right about her claims of seeing a wild mountain lion in the family’s window well. Her mother placed a board over the well to keep it from escaping and then called Washington City Police. It was still in the well when the Division of Wildlife Resources responded to her call and shot the animal with a dart. Once asleep, the animal was caged and taken to a wilderness location
Length : 0:35

Bear Helped With Bucket On Head
Watch as Dean and friends come across photos of a bear who had been struggling with an object stuck on it’s head for over a month. They decided to try to find and help the bear. The video is documentation of their adventure.
Length : 6:37

Fights & Attacks
Wolverine Attacks Caribou
Rare footage of a wolverine attacking a caribou in Indre Troms, Norway.
Length : 2:10

Bear Attacks Teen While Sleeping At Camp 2017
A camper at a Christian summer camp in Colorado received medical care after he woke up early Sunday to a bear chewing on his head.
Length : 1:33

Black Bear Charge & Attack – Fire River 2017
Watch as a black bear charges bowhunter Richard Wesley at Fire River Ontario Spring. The encounter happened just days ago on the 3rd week of May 2017.
Length : 1:54

Turkey Hunter Shot By Another Hunter
Watch the unimaginable as a turkey hunter is accidentally shot by another hunter!
Length : 3:01

Bobcat Attacks and Kills a Deer
This dramatic series of photos shows a bobcat attack and kill a small mule deer!
Length : 1:55

Bozeman Hunter Attacked By Grizzly Bear
A Bozeman man named Todd Orr was attacked twice by a sow grizzly bear. See the video footage that he self filmed after the gruesome attack.
Length : 9:13

Deer attempts to jump into SUV that it hit
Watch as police dash cam footage shows a woman who stops the car and gets out, presumably to see if the deer is alright, but the deer instead tries to jump into her car on her seat.
Length : 0:21

Miami Hunter Rescues Deer From Python
Miami hunter Jimmy Wilson was hiking through the swampy woods near Ochopee in rural Collier County this summer when he came upon an amazing sight which revealed a python wrapped around a deer, soon to feast. Jimmy then noticed that the deer was still alive and sets the deer free. Pythons are not natural to Florida and are destroying the actual natural ecosystem but there are still many who suggest that he interfered with nature.
Length : 3:06

Grizzly Bear Attacks Cow
This footage was picked up on August 4, 2016 / Crandall, Wyoming, USA by a man heading to his fishing hole.
Length : 0:49

Bowhunter helps Rancher with Killer Coyote
Dan Pickar hunts a coyote caught in the act of feeding on a beef cow that it had killed the night before as she was giving birth.
Length : 3:14

Wolves Attack Elk Footage Caught On Aerial Film Montana 2016
In this rare and recent video, a rescue helicopter films a pack of wolves taking on bull elk in Montana. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks wildlife manager Mike Thompson says it is probably the best footage of its kind he’s ever seen.
Length : 1:57

Coyote Fights A Tough Deer
Coyote vs deer, and this is not the scene you might expect to unfold. This is one tough deer!
Length : 3:27