Yellowstone Bigfoot Sighting
In this recent 2015 footage, you first see a herd of bison roaming the snowy valley, and just seconds later four figures appear and what have been claimed to be a family of sasquatches in Yellowstone National Park.
Length : 11:06

Mt. Lion In Fox Trap
Watch as Dan Casey finds a mountain lion stuck in a recent fox trap he set. See what happens next!
Length : 5:58

Bear Bowhunt & Charge
Follow this intense hunt with Luke Randall during his 2014 Kodiak Bear Bowhunt and charge.
Length : 2:42

SF Bike Rider & Deer Crash
A bicyclist on a road outside of San Francisco crashed into a deer at powerful speeds. Watch the dramatic 2014 footage in this video of his bike-cam capturing the entire escapade.
Length : 0:43

Turkey Stalks Hunter 5
Hunter Bruce Evans has an odd encounter with a wild turkey. Watch other pieces of the encounter below. Turkey Stalks Hunter: Part 1 Turkey Stalks Hunter: Part 2 Turkey Stalks Hunter: Part 3 Turkey Stalks Hunter: Part 4 Turkey Stalks Hunter: Part 5
Length : 1:02

Shot Buck Does Backflip
Big Colorado buck does an extreme back flip when shot, and takes a long tumble down the steep ridge.
Length : 2:57

Revived Deer On Retrieval
A hunter named Chip gets his mule deer on his first shot. Watch what happens next when he and his guide Fred Eichler proceed to retrieve it.
Length : 1:30

Iowa Sinkhole Deer Rescue
High school friends made a surprising find after getting a tractor unstuck from a sinkhole. The young men made a quick ethical decision to perform a dramatic rescue on the 10-point buck that was stuck in the same hole in the ground.
Length : 1:33

Bear Outsmarts Electricity
Watch as a bear encounters an electric road-killed deer setup as a test setup in Montana.
Length : 3:27

Horses And Elk Standoff
A bull elk is unsure how to handle his likely first encounter with horses and does what comes naturally. See more in the footage Andy Hall picked up near Lyons, Colorado
Length : 1:06

Ehd Deer On Trail Cam
Watch as Nick Boley (owner of Windy Ridge Outfitting pulls trail camera footage that is rare, and quite disturbing as a deer beds down as a resting place of passing from the effects of EHD (epizootic hemorrhagic disease. The late September cam encounter shows the nine-point buck appear fine but then minutes later everything changed. […]
Length : 1:33

Bear Climbing Skills
A day of kayaking led to some great footage for Stephanie Latimer just weeks ago at the Santa Elena Canyon. Watch as she films a mother bear and cub climbing a steep cliff and with that the cub runs into a slight holdup.
Length : 1:27

Check out the footage of a group of hikers in the Tantalus Range near Squamish, British Columbia, whom spotted “a little black dot” moving in the distance along the snow white landscape. Could this be a Sasquatch?
Length : 2:43

The object and lights appear in several photos and to camera owner Rainer Shattles, are unmistakably of an unusual origin.
Length : 2:32

Buck Rescued From Hay Bales
In the cold temperatures of South Dakota, a buck was found trapped between two large hay bales in a field. The kind farmer used a heavy equipment to move a couple of the bales on one side of the deer, as the animal stared wide eyed wondering what was happening. Once freed, the buck staggered for bit on his hindquarters, but eventually gained momentum to run off…
Length : 1:05

Wes Yancey and his fishermen buddies were hiking to the Clackamas River when a semi-aggressive deer showed up.
Length : 6:17

A confused deer makes a heroic jump that lands short due to the high fence.
Length : 0:12

After they release the live buck, he hangs around and follows the two hunters as they drag the dead buck towards their truck. They attempt to chase him off to a safe distance and he gives them a surprise.
Length : 4:21

A video camera set up near a rock demolition site captured one deer’s fortunate escape. See more as this deer uses it’s fast reflexes to avoid a face to face explosion.
Length : 0:34

Arvydas was fishing and then noticed a situation he had to approach. This encounter and footage shows his wild day of attempting a rescue for a deer that’s tangled in rope.
Length : 4:21

Two deer which fell into a frozen river were saved by hunters in north-western Poland.
Length : 1:22

While watching deer in Saskatchewan on January 11, 2014, Jeff Enns catches not only one but two sheds in a minute of filming.
Length : 1:04

This 2014 encounter took place with when three Austrian men discover and rescue an elk from by being buried alive.
Length : 0:48

Footage showing a man feeding a large pack of deer in his backyard. One Mule buck shows first and then it doesn’t take long for the whole gang to come trotting in.
Length : 1:33

Spend enough time outdoors in Oklahoma and you’re still never likely to see a wild kangaroo hopping through this U.S. state. Well think again, as Andrew Rice captured just that a few days ago while geese hunting in Adair, Oklahoma on December 23, 2012.
Length : 0:26