Kansas Bobcat Encounter
While recently hunting in Kansas, Joseph Sumpter had a heart-pounding encounter with a wild bobcat. Watch the footage that shows this bobcat lurk in and quickly dash up the tree, soon to become face to face with Joseph!
Length : 0:56

Strangely WI Buck Encounter
A Janesville hunter had one of the most unusual experiences when he was deer hunting over the weekend, and the entire seven minute episode was captured on video.
Length : 7:06

Albino Deer In PA
John and Danielle spot a young albino whitetail doe in Clarion county Pennsylvania.
Length : 1:22

Muzzleloader Blows Up In Shooters Face
Courtney Crane shares a video that reminds us we can never be to safe. Watch as he films his buddy shooting his muzzleloader on the gun range when suddenly it blows up after firing a shot! They don’t know the exact reason why it happened but continue to be thankful it didn’t turn out to […]
Length : 1:23

Bear Charges Couple Driving In Alaska
A couple driving in Alaska was caught by surprise when a bear appeared, disappeared and then suddenly reappeared charging their vehicle. Watch the shocking footage that has recently gone viral!
Length : 0:27

Video: Tennessee hunter Stephen Tucker kills potential world-record deer
Learn about the Tennessee deer hunter who has harvested a 47-point whitetail buck that could be a world record.
Length : 0:57

Man Puts Living Deer in SUV Thinking it’s Dead
See the recent footage of a Wisconsin sheriff’s deputy responding to a man who said he had a dead deer in his trunk. But when he pulled it out, the deer got up and ran away!
Length : 0:55

Hunter Grabs A Bedded Mule Deer Buck
A hunter spots a young buck bedding down and then sneaks in to give this buck a big surprise awakening.
Length : 1:01

Hunter Harassed By Dishonest Neighbors
From air horns to false calls to the cops and DNR, this hunter shares his battle of dealing with constant harassment while hunting on his own land.
Length : 5:58

Deer Shakes Hands With Man
This short clip shows a man and deer shaking hands, on command.
Length : 0:10

Mountain Lion In Residence Window Well
A young child was right about her claims of seeing a wild mountain lion in the family’s window well. Her mother placed a board over the well to keep it from escaping and then called Washington City Police. It was still in the well when the Division of Wildlife Resources responded to her call and shot the animal with a dart. Once asleep, the animal was caged and taken to a wilderness location
Length : 0:35

Bear Helped With Bucket On Head
Watch as Dean and friends come across photos of a bear who had been struggling with an object stuck on it’s head for over a month. They decided to try to find and help the bear. The video is documentation of their adventure.
Length : 6:37

Excavator Operator Saves Deer In Mud Field
Excavator operator uses work skills to rescue young deer stuck in mud!
Length : 4:45

Woman Crosses Path With Florida Panther
Just days ago, Tina Dorschel experienced a frightening moment with a Florida panther at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. Watch the footage she picked up during this wild moment as she crosses a the same bridge as this rarely seen animal.
Length : 0:16

Police Officers Save Deer Tangled In Soccer Net
Police officers responded to the phone call of a distressed deer tangled in a soccer net.
Length : 0:48

Mountain Lion Rescue And Release
Watch a mountain lion rescue filmed in Southern Utah.
Length : 6:15

Elk Takes Over Road Near Jasper, Canada
This recent footage shows a huge bull elk making his presence known on a road just south of Jasper, Canada.
Length : 1:30

Whitetail Buck Shot & Sheds Antlers
A bowhunter gets the shock of his life when he shoots a deer on the last day of season in Minnesota. As seen in the footage, the buck sheds both antlers at the moment of impact from being shot by an arrow and jumping off.
Length : 5:56

Deformed Mt. Lion Photos Confirmed Real
Idaho Fish & Game says weird photo of deformed mountain lion with teeth on forehead not a fake.
Length : 1:46

Deer Rescued From Icy Minnesota River
Watch as Steven Peterson saves a deer from an icy river he spotted from his vehicle.
Length : 2:53

Cowboy Lassoes Deer From Canal
Arizona Game and Fish wildlife officers never know what each new day will bring. On December 17, 2017 Officers Reuben Gonzales, David Mayer and Ryan Babel responded to a call about a deer trapped in a canal near Lake Pleasant. With the help of a couple of cowboys, who happened to be in the area, they were able to extract the deer and release him on dry land.
Length : 1:57

Dashcam Video: Police Car Hits Deer
Dash cam footage shows the incredible moment a deer runs off into the bushes after being flipped into the air when it collided with a police cruiser.
Length : 0:17

EP-PD Saves Buck In Frozen River
December 2nd 2015 – Watch as a buck trapped in the icey Big Thompson River, was saved by two officers from the Estes Park police department. Filmed on December 2, 2015 by DJ Walsh. Following the incident, Walsh stated “We see this buck and his family around our home often. Shortly before the incident, on […]
Length : 2:01

Bucks Pulled From Cistern Water Hole
Wickliffe Police Department released footage showing officers pull two deer from freezing-cold water earlier this month.
Length : 4:24

Idaho Deer Set Free From Baling Twine Tangle
This footage shows John McLain’s recent escapade with a tangled deer in Idaho. Watch as he makes a quick decision and moves in to set the deer free.
Length : 2:18

Video: Deer Chases Coyote – Alberta, Canada
Filmed August 13, 2015 in Alberta, Canada.
Length : 1:06

Hunters Find Crack In Foothills Of Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains
A giant crack in the ground, which is more than seven times longer and as wide as a football field, has been discovered in the foothills of the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming. Experts say the chasm likely materialized due to a slow-motion landslide.
Length : 3:00

Hunter Confronts Trespasser
Check out this food plot confrontation that leads up to jail time for a trespasser.
Length : 1:16

Mysterious Winchester Update
Remember that Winchester Model 1873 .44 found in Great Basin National Park last year? Well here is what the Cody Firearms Museum has found out about it. The gun made headlines when it was stumbled upon, chilling out by a rock for what looked like a century or more, left behind by some hunter or potential Old West traveler.
Length : 4:29

Coyote Hunter Gets Chilling Reaction From Calls
In this footage Champion Caller Jason Groseclose shares a chilling experience while sending calls echoing through the trees. The woods soon erupt with extreme numbers of responses and a huge pack of coyotes surrounding him.
Length : 1:03

Hunter And Mountain Lion Show Down
Tom Barbour was hunting alone in the woods, just above Butte Meadows, California and suddenly he came face to face with a mountain lion!
Length : 2:37

Aerial Drone Records Deer Escape
A Chroma Drone captured this footage showing a deer escaping a combine during harvest!
Length : 0:15