Hunter Attacked During Coyote Hunt | Extreme

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Uploaded on 5 February, 2012

WARNING: This video contains explicit language. In this extreme footage a coyote continues to revive himself after being shot once and then again twice.

Length : 3:39

Categorized as: Extreme Fights & Attacks

Tagged as: 2013 attack coyote extreme hunting outdoors predator revived yote

8 comments on “Hunter Attacked During Coyote Hunt

Darren Kimbrell

A coyote is tough never want to kick one if still moving lol especially at night hunting not sure it’s dead wait till next day to look for it unless plenty of light and friends with gun but if daylight yea shoot it again if it looks like its eyes are still natural looking. Been calling them since I was 8 with my dad usually at night red lens 200wt qbean varmint special an burnham brothers yellow hammer woodpecker they come running in with that cassette still use same one in my western river caller can’t afford a fancy digital one

Brennan Chapman

Who ever posted this video is a fucking idiot. I hope someone shoots you some day and your wounded and then you get kicked around like the piece of shit you are. I am an avid hunter and have been for a long time and have never witnessed bullshit like that. Go chew on your barrel!


You are an absolute fucking moron. To bad it didnt bite you and give you rabies. What else do you wound? Maybe you should put the camera down and worry more about ending its suffering. Probably after you finished your hunt, you went back to the trailer and fucked your sister you inbred piece of shit. Cant believe you posted this video… your an absolute idiot


I am a hunter and am disgusted by you, every animal pursued derserves respect. What, you sat there pretending to be a dieing rabbit and got surprised when the coyote believed you? I have had similar things happen too, but you know what, its a part of the hunt, he’s a hunter too, so dont be surprised when he trys to hunt. Every animal deserves a respectable kill. You are just the worst, I hope you get you hunting lisence taken.


We Love to Hunt, You are a disgrace to to hunting Community. I don’t care what your hunting but you should respct every animal you hunt. Put it out of it’s missory, dont treat it like a soccer ball, What a Douche Bag… People Like You Make All of Us Look Bad…


This is a disturbing and disgusting video. I am an avid hunter and I have not witnessed such disgusting behavior by a human pretending to be a hunter. This sport is about respect and enjoyment of the outdoors. You have a deep anger in your heart and frankly, I wish that coyote would have gotten a peace of you. Not only do you shoot poorly, but your language is foul and you disgrace the hunting and gun owning people of America. Give it up buddy, and go beat up on some of your own kind.


This video needs to be pulled what a disgrace! You’re putting all hunters in a bad light!


Hey, Inbred Jed…you’re a fucking moron of the highest order.

Surely you don’t call yourself a hunter. If you do, you’d better look to those of higher intelligence to label you, than to do it yourself. You’re no hunter. You’re one of these assholes that sees animals as fuzzy reactionary targets.

Animals when hunted by ethical hunters who have a shred of respect for the wildlife they pursue, do their best to end an animal’s possible suffering as quickly as possible.

Your suffering, as a half witted moron, will surely go on forever though…much to the joint suffering of anyone who comes into contact with you.

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