Fights & Attacks
Wolverine Attacks Caribou
Rare footage of a wolverine attacking a caribou in Indre Troms, Norway.
Length : 2:10

Bear Attacks Teen While Sleeping At Camp 2017
A camper at a Christian summer camp in Colorado received medical care after he woke up early Sunday to a bear chewing on his head.
Length : 1:33

Black Bear Charge & Attack – Fire River 2017
Watch as a black bear charges bowhunter Richard Wesley at Fire River Ontario Spring. The encounter happened just days ago on the 3rd week of May 2017.
Length : 1:54

Turkey Hunter Shot By Another Hunter
Watch the unimaginable as a turkey hunter is accidentally shot by another hunter!
Length : 3:01

Bobcat Attacks and Kills a Deer
This dramatic series of photos shows a bobcat attack and kill a small mule deer!
Length : 1:55

Bozeman Hunter Attacked By Grizzly Bear
A Bozeman man named Todd Orr was attacked twice by a sow grizzly bear. See the video footage that he self filmed after the gruesome attack.
Length : 9:13

Deer attempts to jump into SUV that it hit
Watch as police dash cam footage shows a woman who stops the car and gets out, presumably to see if the deer is alright, but the deer instead tries to jump into her car on her seat.
Length : 0:21

Miami Hunter Rescues Deer From Python
Miami hunter Jimmy Wilson was hiking through the swampy woods near Ochopee in rural Collier County this summer when he came upon an amazing sight which revealed a python wrapped around a deer, soon to feast. Jimmy then noticed that the deer was still alive and sets the deer free. Pythons are not natural to Florida and are destroying the actual natural ecosystem but there are still many who suggest that he interfered with nature.
Length : 3:06

Grizzly Bear Attacks Cow
This footage was picked up on August 4, 2016 / Crandall, Wyoming, USA by a man heading to his fishing hole.
Length : 0:49

Bowhunter helps Rancher with Killer Coyote
Dan Pickar hunts a coyote caught in the act of feeding on a beef cow that it had killed the night before as she was giving birth.
Length : 3:14

Wolves Attack Elk Footage Caught On Aerial Film Montana 2016
In this rare and recent video, a rescue helicopter films a pack of wolves taking on bull elk in Montana. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks wildlife manager Mike Thompson says it is probably the best footage of its kind he’s ever seen.
Length : 1:57

Coyote Fights A Tough Deer
Coyote vs deer, and this is not the scene you might expect to unfold. This is one tough deer!
Length : 3:27

Man Punches Kangaroo Choking Hunting Dog
See the incredible footage that shows a man running in and then punching a kangaroo, to save his pet dog who was stuck in a headlock by the kangaroo.
Length : 1:20

Mountain Lion And Coyote Fight
A mountain lion faces off with a coyote in Datle, New Mexico. Numerous viewers have debated on who was winning this fight.
Length : 1:18

Clarion County Tangled Buck Fight Encounter
John Royer and his family find two of the biggest bucks in their area with locked antlers the night before the opening day of the Pa rifle season in clarion county.
Length : 2:21

Bow Hunter Saves Young Deer
Watch what happens when bowhunter Heath Sartini encounters two coyotes attacking a fawn. To this deer’s luck there was predator control just over the hill. You must see to believe what happened next.
Length : 2:30

Bobcat Attacks Deer Under Treestand
Derek Leep records a bobcat attacking a button buck under his treestand, just days ago in Fredericksburg, Indiana.
Length : 0:42

Mountain Lion Attacking Buck Caught On Film In Northern California
See the recent mountain lion and buck footage that Nickolas Melville picked up while hiking down the trail at Ranch San Antonio Open Space Preserve in Northern California.
Length : 2:15

Dixon Illinois Locked Buck Rescue
Illinois Conservation Police Officer Steven Beltran was dispatched with Lee County Sheriff’s deputies and Dixon Police to save two bucks locked together.
Length : 3:38

Deer Fight – Spyglass Hill Golf Course
Watch a deer fight at Spyglass Hill Golf Course, California. Michael Mooney was at the scene and pulled out his phone to capture these wild bucks in action.
Length : 0:56

Coyote Attack On Turkey Hunt
Shane Simpson with Victory Outdoors filmed this recent footage showing a coyote creep in and attack a decoy.
Length : 1:46

Drury Locked Buck Break-Up
Watch as Mark Drury and Wade Robinson find themselves on a mission to pull apart two bucks who got locked together fighting.
Length : 4:57

Mountain Lion And Deer Encounter Vintage Archives
A new released vintage clip that shows an aggressive mountain lion pursue a deer. See what happens next in the footage picked up by the California Department of Fish and Game archives.
Length : 1:17

Arizona Buck Fight
Bryant Mcgee of MuleyBull Outfitters picked up this intense footage while hunting mule deer on the Arizona strip. The video shows a buck fight that pushes an older buck to the boundaries of life and death. See how amazing and brutal life can be in the wilder side of the wild.
Length : 5:06

Bucks Separated W/ Pole Saw
Two bucks locked in a fight get freed in an unconventional way, with an extended chainsaw (or pole saw). Neither deer got hurt, and one buck left with antlers intact.

Bobcat Jumps WV Hunter
Bobby Greathouse from Wileyville, WV was out turkey hunting when he had an encounter with a very curious bobcat. The experience has left him looking back behind him out in the woods when he hardly used to. His story will be one that would be retold for generations to come. Check out the footage he picked up with his phone and read more about his personal experience
Length : 0:48

CO Buck Attack Pt. 2
We are pleased to be the first to release this new unreleased footage, photos, a recap, Matt gives you the full story in this flashback, confirming the validity of this otherwise unbelievable story.
Length : 14:30

Bobcat Attacks VA Hunter
While out turkey hunting, Kevin Walter of Manassas, Va, spotted a bobcat making its way toward him. As the cat got closer, Walter, a wildlife biologist, took out his camera phone to record the rarely-seen animal. When it got directly behind him, Walter gave a few squirrel distress calls which stopped the cat in its tracks. After a brief pause, it started to stalk him, and without warning, jumped towards the Walter’s phone which was held close to his face.
Length : 0:59

Barbwire Elk Tangled Fight
Hear the story of a North Idaho couple who woke up to the deadly aftermath of a fight between a pair of elk Friday morning outside their home near Wolf Lodge Bay. They said two bull elk came together, locked horns and began to fight.
Length : 2:03

Iowa Bucks Rumble The Rut
This rut rumble is being labeled by some as the greatest buck fight of all time!
Length : 4:30

Antelope: Fight & Bowhunt
Hunter Cody Conklin experiences much more than he expected on his 2014 Pronghorn Adventure.
Length : 2:54

Buck Fight, No Antlers
See why this deer fight is one of the most amazing ever! (Video)
Length : 0:43