Bobcat Jumps WV Hunter | Extreme
About Video
Uploaded on 28 April, 2015
Bobby Greathouse from Wileyville, West Virginia was out turkey hunting when he had an encounter with a very curious bobcat. The experience has left him looking back behind him out in the woods when he hardly used to. His story will be one that would be retold for generations to come. Check out the footage he picked up with his phone and read more about his personal experience below.
“I was calling in a gobbler when, more often than not, it became quiet. I had called on and off for nearly an hour with no response from the bird when I noticed movement 50 yards in front of me. I thought it was a ruffed grouse but soon realized it was a bobcat. Being a trapper, I never gave any thought of killing it like most people would have done. It sat motionless for nearly 10 minutes just staring at me. That’s when I pulled out my cell phone to take a picture to show my wife and son. I was holding the phone in front of my face and started twitching my finger hoping to draw its attention while squeaking like a mouse. The more I twitched my finger the closer it came.
When it was about 20 yards from me, it locked its attention on my finger. That’s when I switched from camera mode to video mode. I could almost sense what was about to happen. It had been crawling on its belly and had gotten up on its rear with its head still close to the ground. Without any warning, it suddenly pounced straight at me. Instinctively, I yelled, rolled back, and covered my face. Startled, the bobcat turned, and took off into the woods.”
Length : 0:48
Categorized as: Extreme Fights & Attacks Encounters
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Thomas Callwell
Congrats on the experience, crazy stuff!
May 10, 2015 at 1:17 pm
Chad Mallow
What day huh!
May 13, 2015 at 6:51 am