After 11 years of waiting to draw this muzzleloader elk tag, Chris quickly began scouting with his hunting buddies to put in the work this tag deserved. With several good bulls on the trail camera, opening morning couldn’t come quick enough.
Length : 17:36

The Greater Father
When his life changed forever upon the birth of his son, Jairus Roark found himself unprepared for the coming hunting season and caught in a tension between time.
Length : 10:07

Fire In The Hole
Heading back to the cabin with both tags punched was truly a bonus. The time and memories made at deer camp, however, outweighs any trophy.
Length : 11:11

Dear Hunter
The current state of hunting and conservation intrigues me and worries me. We’re at a crossroads right now, but the decisions we make now will determine the future of our hunting heritage and the wildlife we love and cherish. This film is my letter to the hunting community.
Length : 5:54

The 40 Year Pursuit
With several injuries and setbacks over recent years, Mike fights back and finds himself with a branched antlered, bull elk crossbow tag in his pocket. With his sons, Andrew and Tyson, Mike looks to end The 40 Year Pursuit.
Length : 8:03

Live Intrepid
This is a film about life and hunting. Follow Austin Jones as he shares a story about his journey on a once in a lifetime crossbow elk hunt in Michigan.
Length : 9:12

A whitetail archery hunt in Texas that explores Morgan Goodwin’s passion for hunting, and the experience that connects her to the animals and the land that she considers sacred.
Length : 6:43

Hour One
This short film follows the tough grind of a season in reverse, giving a glimpse at deer, elk and bear season along with success on the very first hunt.
Length : 3:34

20 Years
Join Mike Calvert as he goes for a trophy pronghorn after waiting what seemed like a lifetime.
Length : 9:48

Pass It On
A turkey hunting documentary based out of Northern California, where over 20 youth hunters learn the art of scouting, calling, and to hunt turkeys through the JAKES (Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship) program started by NWTF in 1981.
Length : 7:53

The Crags
As hunters we always have an attraction to adventure, and not just the kill. Travis found his adventure in 2014 chasing mule deer in the rolling sage covered hills. With only a handful of days, Travis searches the barren landscape with hopes of arrowing his first archery buck.
Length : 13:52

Unanswered Prayers
This film documents years of unanswered prayers and the silver-linings that followed from the quest for this buck of a lifetime. Follow along as the final chapter to the story Johnny Cash is etched into history.
Length : 12:15

Her First Caribou
In a series of Alaskan hunts, Jordan Manelick is seeking to take one of every animal available from mother nature. Joined by her husband, Austin, she pursues her first caribou, carrying out her passion for conversation and the great outdoors.
Length : 7:26

B(ewe)tiful Day
With a desire to go on a sheep hunt and understanding the odds of a ram tag in the lower 48 were slim, Shayne decided to put in for an ewe tag.
Length : 7:35

The story Sustenance highlights the heritage of hunting still being carried on today for all of the right reasons.
Length : 14:40

Toksook Bay Musk Ox Hunt
Brendan Burns travels to remote Western Alaska to hunt Musk Ox with KUIU Customers Justin Shaffer, Lee Daniels and Donnie Ramey.
Length : 7:39

A Rivers Return
A RIVERS RETURN tells the story of a 5 day trip into northern Idaho in search of a bull moose with a bow.
Length : 8:55

The Summit Of Respect
Follow Matt Starley as he shares his stories about hunting the Columbian blacktail deer.
Length : 9:43

Home Grown
Though abundant with deer, Upstate NY can be one of the hardest places in the country to harvest a mature buck. Follow along on Garrett Hamiltons four year journey to transform a property that was only inhabited by does, into an attractive oasis for bucks.
Length : 7:00

The Story of Walmart
The opportunity arises to hunt a unique buck for Nick Brink in 2016. The story and meaning behind this hunt goes beyond the measure of the antlers.
Length : 9:11

Whitetails | 24 Hours
Sam’s archery journey ends with a fine display of how resilient a whitetail can be.
Length : 13:14

A Hunt With Joey
This film is a story of passion, dream, loss, and everlasting friendship. Join Anthony Virga as he pursues his passion for turkey hunting and the outdoors in an attempt to complete the dream of his first Grand Slam.
Length : 16:40

‘Sacred’ Trailer
A whitetail bow hunt in Texas that explores a woman’s passion for hunting, and the experience that connects her to the animals and land she considers sacred.
Length : 1:18

These Abiding Gifts
KUIU founder Jason Hairston & his father Mike longbow hunt moose in the Yukon.
Length : 16:21

Whitetails | Stars Align
Follow Ben Kolbeck as he harvests the buck of a lifetime with his bow!
Length : 10:11

Mera Safar
Mike Axelrad, an American adventurer who seeks not just the thrill of hunting, but to experience the world’s various cultures, travels to Pakistan in this powerful film in pursuit of some of their best game.
Length : 28:44

New Beginnings
In this new release, Dave and Corey take a young man on his first ever turkey hunt in Pennsylvania.
Length : 26:19

Five More Seconds
Luke Carrick takes his good friend, Jim, on a three-day bear hunt in the backwoods of Washington. Hours and miles of spotting and stalking leads to the perfect opportunity for Jim to fill his tag.
Length : 10:53