This hunter from Mahoney Outdoors picked up footage showing a large amount of wild turkey.
Length : 5:13

‘Dead’ deer runs for freedom on Cork Street when Kalamazoo officer opens car trunk.
Length : 1:03

Hunters in Rankin County, Mississippi encounter two bucks that battled to near death for both.
Length : 1:37

Checkout the incredible video showing Wyoming elk hunters attempt to help the stranded animal.
Length : 6:44

On a dark and stormy night, two raccoons (Procyon lotor) join a whitetail buck (Odocoileus virginianus) at a corn feeder.
Length : 2:08

Footage released January 22, 2013 showing an ordinary squirrel hunt shift into a locked buck rescue attempt.
Length : 1:40

Two elk get tied together and a good guy from Great Falls Montana cuts them apart.
Length : 0:37

Sonny and his friend were driving along viewing scenery when they came across this strange rutting buck. As seen in this footage the deer lets them grab on to his only remaining antler and clearly was stressed out from something previously.
Length : 4:54

Another crazy encounter with a rutting buck. This time we see footage showing a recent buck entering a classroom and soon getting tranquilized by a deer farmer that was also a teacher.
Length : 1:36

Close Moose Call
This hunter experiences a close-encounter with a giant moose. Check out this dangerous moose call.
Length : 2:03

Deer hunters stumble upon locked bucks. Staff members from Prey Pursuit were having a normal day coyote hunting and soon found themselves in the midst of a rescue.
Length : 7:37

Check out this quick clip showing hundreds of deer grazing before sunset.
Length : 1:12

Saskatchewan Black Bear
A quick review on the Moultrie trail cameras, and then these hunters decided to move to a different site. What they didn’t realize was that the night was about to unfold one of the craziest bear hunts they had experienced.
Length : 13:52

Maine Red Fox Coming In On A String
Check out this fox called in from 80 yards out. Mark did not have a call so he decided to use his lips to create what they call the “kiss of death”. Shortly after this animal moves in fast to the sound.
Length : 2:35

North Cascades Bear Footage – 2013
This bear footage was released by the Wolverine run pole survey site.
Length : 0:12

Please Move The Deer Crossing
This audio clip from Y94 Playhouse Fargo, ND radio station was too funny. A lady asks for help getting deer crossing signs moved to lower traffic areas.
Length : 3:52

Amazing Canoe Rescue – Dog Training Demo
These dogs are trained and this footage displays their amazing skills. This clip shares a day of training in a live situation.
Length : 1:14

4 Frenzy Late Shedders – Closing Season Bucks
While predator hunting January 31 Neil Kendall filmed these nice 4 bucks. He was amazed and couldn’t believe they all still were sporting their racks this late in season.
Length : 1:52

Deer Smashes Skateboarder | BB DownHill 2012
Deer swipes a skateboarder traveling 40mph downhill. These guys are hitting high speeds traveling down Buffalo Bill DownHill and cross paths unexpectedly.
Length : 1:01

The Cottentop Buck’ | Mossy Oak Quick Clip
A quick clip of Homemade Video with Mossy Oak Productions. This episode shows a whitetail buck sporting a new look. Wayne Daley picked up the footage while filming deer on his land in Texas.
Length : 0:53

Courageous Pig Saves Goat
Pig rescues a baby goat stuck underwater. See how the billy is coaxed ashore safely and a brave pig becomes a hero in 30 seconds.
Length : 0:30

Mossy Oak – Very Close Encounters
Homemade video sent in to Mossy Oak by Glen Bucka. A Mossy Oak Production from the classic’s vault and host Ronnie Strickland.
Length : 0:52

Beyond The Hunt: NAHC Member Pets Wild Deer
NAHC Member Charlie Valdez comes across a couple of curious and “tame” white-tailed deer while on location for North American Hunter TV.
Length : 0:42

Labrador And Fish Swim Together
A Labrador Retriever and carp take a liking to each other at Lake Mead in Las Vegas Nevada. These two hang out for nearly two minutes and get nose to nose on several occasions.
Length : 1:52

Twin Albino Whitetails – MOP
Melvin Graham picked up this rare footage of twin albino whitetails. Location was disclosed but what a great video. Enjoy another hunter’s video from Mossy’s Homemade Video Vault.
Length : 0:50

Young Bobcat Stalking Cottontail – Mossy Oak
Bobcat stalks and has a short encounter with a cottontail deer in Texas. See the footage Ernest picked up on this December morning.
Length : 0:50

The Halfway Half Rack Buck
Its a hunters worse nightmare and a shed hunters dreams come true kinda moment as this hunting enthusiast goes about some early season scouting and finds a possible target buck with one of his trophy antlers hanging by only the skin.
Length : 2:48

Lion ‘On The Loose’ In Essex: Police Warning
Police have warned residents to stay indoors after a lion was reportedly spotted in fields in Essex. The large cat, believed to be a lion, was seen in fields off Earls Hall Drive in St Oysth, near Clacton, Essex, just before 7pm yesterday, police said.
Length : 2:59

Dog, Deer, & Coyote Standoff – Kennesaw 2012
This new footage was picked up showing a man and his dog encounter a deer and coyote in a matter of seconds. A triple standoff surprising this man and his best friend.
Length : 1:59

Velvet Footage 2012, Monster PA Buck, Albino Deer
This is a collection of velvet footage from 2012, featuring a 165+ inch buck, and a albino deer. There are over 10 different bucks in the video.
Length : 7:05

Moose Set Loose, Utah 2012
A moose whose antlers were tangled up in the chains of a backyard swing was set loose after Utah Deputy Lane Findlay stepped in and saved the day.
Length : 3:44