Whitetail Deer Scores Goal Passing Through Kid’s Soccer Game
A wild deer has become an unlikely global sporting star after interupting a children’s soccer match and scoring a goal.
Length : 0:21

Top 10 Typical Whitetail Deer
Learn info and see photos on the highest scoring typical whitetail deer in the history books.
Length : 2:11

Coyote Attack On Turkey Hunt
Shane Simpson with Victory Outdoors filmed this recent footage showing a coyote creep in and attack a decoy.
Length : 1:46

Farmer Rescues Tangled Bucks
A farmer stumbles across two locked bucks that managed to get stuck from a fight the day before. Watch as he attempts to set them both free amidst the struggle.
Length : 1:40

Farmer Finds Woolly Mammoth Bones
A Michigan farmer stumbled upon the bones of a woolly mammoth just over a week ago. Soon after, a team of paleontologists from the University of Michigan recovered about 20% of a woolly mammoth’s skeleton Lima Township field in Michigan. They found the skull, tusks, some vertebrae, ribs, the pelvis and shoulder blades.
Length : 1:29

Whitetail Deer Rescued From Batting Cage Net
On September 27, 2015, PSO Hutson and PSO Gates responded to a call involving an animal in distress at a local high school. A whitetail deer had become entangled in a batting cage net; his 8 pt antlers wrapped securely into the netting preventing an escape. The officers met with a school staff member and decided their best option was to attempt a rescue.
Length : 0:41

Bear That Walks on 2 legs in Oak Ridge NJ
A bear that walks on two legs has been seen recently around Oak Ridge, New Jersey. As more sightings pile up, residents have nick-named the bear “Pedals.”
Length : 1:33

CA Lake Runs Dry Overnight
Thousands of fish lay dead in what used to be Mountain Meadows reservoir also known as Walker Lake, a popular fishing hole just west of Susanville.
Length : 2:22

Hiker Faces Mt. Lion
Trevor Rasmussen shares his standoff encounter with a mountain lion that happened last summer in Glacier National Park.
Length : 1:52

Whitetail Runs Through House Creating A Deersaster
A deer enters a house and then struggles to find it’s way out. In the process, the deer broke furniture and somehow became cut, leaving blood everywhere. The family stated what they found as: “It looked like a murder scene from a movie”.
Length : 0:48

Deer Visit Football Game
This deer encounter recently happened at Warner football field in Oregon.
Length : 0:45

4-Legged Snake Fossil
A four-legged snake fossil stuns scientists and ignites a spill of controversy. This recently uncovered discovery in Brazil sheds clear light on the origins of snakes as land burrowers, not sea creatures. Other debate surface from the theories of Biblical and Scientific references of why this happened and when it began.
Length : 2:36

Black bear collides with biker
Chris Deweerdt cruises along a turning road in Michigan, and about 30 seconds into the video a dark image appears and is a black bear crossing paths. Watch as the 2nd rider’s Gopro captures both rider and bear sent tumbling in a cloud of dust.
Length : 2:45

Video: Bear Rescued With Logging Machine
Vern Styles and friend encounter a black bear that had a tin can stuck on its head. See the footage and how they were able to rescue the distressed bear with a logging machine.
Length : 2:03

Mountain Lion Faces House Cat
Watch as two cats, one wild and one domesticated, have a face-off through the window of a glass patio door. The clip was filmed by Tom Mabe just outside of Boulder, Colorado.
Length : 1:48

Man Rides Moose In B.C.
Conservation officials in British Columbia are investigating a video that shows a man jumping on a moose and briefly riding the animal.
Length : 1:03

Bucks Separated W/ Pole Saw
Two bucks locked in a fight get freed in an unconventional way, with an extended chainsaw (or pole saw). Neither deer got hurt, and one buck left with antlers intact.

Bobcat Jumps WV Hunter
Bobby Greathouse from Wileyville, WV was out turkey hunting when he had an encounter with a very curious bobcat. The experience has left him looking back behind him out in the woods when he hardly used to. His story will be one that would be retold for generations to come. Check out the footage he picked up with his phone and read more about his personal experience
Length : 0:48

Goose Follows To Lake
A lonely and perhaps lost Canada goose soon found some help last week from an Alberta forester who happened to be driving on a rural road near Edson, west of Edmonton. The driver was Andre Bachman and he noticed the goose flying away from him — but then the animal turned around to follow his pickup, according to CBC News. Bachman pulled over and got out — and the goose stopped too. So he started recording their encounter.
Length : 5:14

Fallow Buck Rescue
Volunteer rescuers rushed to the aid of this Fallow Deer Buck after its antlers became caught in bailer twine and then a barbed wire fence at Hellingly in East Sussex.
Length : 7:36

Airplane & Deer Collide
Watch as a pilot and his plane collide with a deer crossing the same path.
Length : 1:23

Elk In Numbers
You likely can catch a glimpse of an elk in Bozeman, Montana but rarely do you catch footage of such great numbers at once.
Length : 3:01

Bear Climbs Huge Pole
How far will you go for a meal? This hungry bear goes to the extreme for his next meal to survive in the wild. Video and pictures taken by Linda Powell in Alberta, Canada at a bison camp.
Length : 0:32

Extreme Tornado Near Wray, Colorado
Watch footage of an extreme tornado just north of Wray, CO!
Length : 5:23

Taser & Saw Deer Save
South Lake Minnetoka, Minnesota Officers were called to rescue a couple of bucks locked in a fight. Upon arrival, one of the bucks had already died, and the other was trashing around violently. Weighing the options available and their own safety, one of the officers used a taser on the live buck to incapacitate him. A nearby resident quickly cut off one of the antlers to unlock the buck.
Length : 1:06

Frozen River Doe Rescue
Watch this crazy scene unfold as Chris Klawitter (firefighter) and the DNR’s Ross Hier go to extreme measures to save a deer stuck in frozen ice on the Red Laker River last week.
Length : 6:15

Axe Man Saves Deer
A man headed out for ice-fishing came across a whitetail buck struggling to free itself from a trap line. With an axe in his hand, the man was able to free the buck before it ended up hurting itself.
Length : 2:25

CO Buck Attack Pt. 2
We are pleased to be the first to release this new unreleased footage, photos, a recap, Matt gives you the full story in this flashback, confirming the validity of this otherwise unbelievable story.
Length : 14:30

Garcia Kodiak Brown
In this bowhunting video Juan Garcia sets off with his guide Sam Fejes to Kodiak Island in search of a Brown Bear.
Length : 10:49

Red Deer Stampede Hungary
Traffic comes to a halt for minutes when a massive herd of red deer crossed the road in Somogy county near Lábod
Length : 3:39