Fights & Attacks
Deer Burst Through Glass & Runs Over Girl, 2012
Unusual footage of a deer crashing through a glass door and running over an eleven-year-old girl. The wild day was last Sunday February 26th. Samantha Irons was at the BP station in Dacula, Georgia.
Length : 2:08

2013 Scotland Deer Panic Encounter
This bizarre footage shows a man turning on his camera while walking home in Tillydrone, Scotland. A trapped and scared deer soon appears and gives this man a scare of a lifetime.
Length : 0:57

Cranbrook Deer, Dog, Cat Confrontation
Fred Subra picked up footage showing a newborn fawn creating a dangerous situation when mom gets naturally protective in a busy urban area.
Length : 1:55

Hunter Attacked During Coyote Hunt
In this extreme footage a coyote continues to revive himself after being shot once and then again twice.
Length : 3:39

CoYote Takes On Raccoons
A group of Raccoons face off with a coyote and things get heated up.
Length : 0:31

Dick Turpin’s Mountain Lion Encounter
A day of rare video picked up by Dick Turpin in North Central Nebraska. See what he filmed in this clip showing the aftermath and the lion approaching it’s buck kill site.
Length : 13:00

Orphan Grizzly Cub Attacked By Mountain Lion
Grizzly cub crosses a stream and gets jumped by a mother mountain lion. A battle that visually seems unfair. Watch here as this mt. lion jumps from the tree lines knocking down the young bear. After a short attack the cub turns aggressive
Length : 1:42

Rhinoceros Tosses Warthog Airborne
With a reputation for being aggressive, a rhino is not the animal to frighten or disturb. Watch more in this video clip of a warthog pressing his luck and tossing him a good distance up in the air.
Length : 0:18

Animals Hunting, Extreme Top 10, Part 2
Odissey505 takes more great footage and shares another top 10 animal hunts. This hunting video features Extreme top animals hunting prey part 2.

Pheasant Hunters Save Deer Locked At Antlers
At Tumbleweed Lodge in Harrold, South Dakota these pheasant hunters drove up on 2 eagles in a grassy open area. They discovered two deer with antlers locked together.
Length : 2:20

Animals Hunting, Extreme Top 10
Ten extreme clips from Planet Earth BBC and National Geographic featuring animals hunting animals. The footage was put together showing a collection of natures hunting cycle.
Length : 4:05

Grizzly Bear Collides With Caribou, Animal Fights
Grizzly bear collides with a caribou that will not back down. In this footage, neither animal yields and the bear shows its power against a very brave caribou.
Length : 3:19

Sportsman Choice Awards, Moment Of The Year Winner “Buck Fight”
Moment of the year went to this video clip picked up by Savage Outdoors TV.
Length : 0:42

Coyotes Take Down Injured Buck
Nature can be a beast. This is footage from the wild coyotes that took down a big buck in 2011.
Length : 0:37

Split Second Attacks, Leopard Jumps Hunter
A recent hunter being hunted clip featuring a split second attack from a leopard. One of the hunters runs into some bad luck with an aggressive leopard in the hunting field and of course was all captured on film.
Length : 1:59

Hunted Lion Charges Hunter
The hunter becomes the hunted for a brief moment in this extreme hunting video. A guided lion hunt turns for the worst after the first shot is fired.
Length : 1:26

An Epic Battle At Kruger, Lions, Buffalo, & Crocodile
Experience the epic battle of Kruger. A hunting video that has filtered among many sites. In this quarrel, A pride of lions show confidence in their pack hunting but soon a herd of buffalo stampede in.
Length : 8:24

Bucks Shot Together: Rare Day For Local Hunter
This hunter got more than he expected on opening weekend of hunting season. A rare moment as two bucks stroll in range with their antlers hung up.
Length : 1:14

Yellowstone National Park, Wolves Hunting Bison
A look back at Dan MacNulty’s wolves hunting bison footage. Three minutes of wild nature unfolds at Yellowstone National Park.
Length : 3:05

Brown Bears Battle 2011
Here is a brown bear fight that took place just a few weeks ago. These two bears take our their differences in this short 2011 clip.
Length : 0:55

This 2011 buck fight features two mule deer battling in the snow. Footage was captured in November at Wyoming, America.
Length : 2:44

Intense Fallow Buck Fight (New), 2011 Deer Rut
Mean little deer with a big attitude! These fights many times go to the extreme and sometimes death. Watch this new 2011 footage here, as this brawl gets violent. In this rut rumble, one stag forces the other through a wired fence.
Length : 1:53

Extreme Outdoors, Man Wrestles Gator
Gus “Onebear” Batista swims and wrestles with alligators in this surreal footage. Watch here as he swims into a collision of gators.
Length : 1:46

Bears And Wolves Fight, Viking Wilderness
This video from Animal Planet TV’s “Viking Wilderness” shows extreme footage of two brown bears battling with a pack of wolves. These animals are hungry and clashing over the remains of an elk.
Length : 3:27

BEAR BRAWLS, Test Of Strength For Courtship
A battle of dominance and courtship takes place in this extreme video of two bears brawling it out. Female bears once in season leave their scent and this progresses into possible showdowns among the anticipating males.
Length : 2:27

Intense Fallow Buck Fight
Watch as these two fallow bucks square off with an exciting battle. A member of Hindsite Preserve was working on a new hunting blind and heard a loud noise break out.
Length : 2:29

Bison Charges After Tourists
A bison gets annoyed and charges a group of tourists taking photos. Eventually rushing after a young boy who escapes the chase.
Length : 1:27

Wild Hogs Charge Hunter & Dog
One method of killing or trapping hogs is with the use of hunting dogs. This hunter does just that as things take an unexpected turn.
Length : 3:16

Excellent Footage Moose Fight
These moose rise up to to show their dominance in this battle of boys. There have been studies done in Alaska showing the female moose actually manipulates the male into fighting.
Length : 1:27

Amazing Footage: Buck Smashing Into Decoy
Watch here as this buck creeps in and attempts to take the head off a decoy. Derek Grimsrud of PSE archery was the hunter who witnessed the smash
Length : 1:43

Whitetail Amazing Buck Fight
These whitetail bucks are clearly battling for more than bragging rights. In this intense Texas showdown two mature racks connect in a battle of the extreme.
Length : 1:23

Must See Massive Whitetail Bucks Epic Fight
This clip features a grueling battle between two whitetail bucks. This footage is from’s deer run cam on November 9th, 2009.
Length : 6:18