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Uploaded on 11 April, 2014
Check out the footage of a group of hikers in the Tantalus Range near Squamish, British Columbia, whom spotted “a little black dot” moving in the distance along the snow white landscape. Could this be a Sasquatch they claimed?
Now M Lam wrote on YouTube that he initially uploaded the video on April 25 to “benefit a couple of friends.” He’s not claiming it “to be anything other than a strange encounter.” He does however follow up with more information about the sighting:
1) We were able to view the subject much better than what the video portrays as it was just a simple point and shoot camera. Contrast was excellent due to the snow behind the subject.
2) The subject was clearly bipedal and was without snowshoes or a backpack and wearing all one coloured clothing. Movement over this kind of terrain in soft snow without snowshoes would have been very difficult and the distance traveled over the given time period would have been very fast for a human without proper snow travel gear.
3) There was a very steep drop off below where the video was shot, easily a 300m sheer face. We were not equipped with climbing gear and a descent around would have been impossible before nightfall.
4) We have encountered bears on the approach to this summit in the past, this video is most definitely not showing a bear or any other wild animal.
5) Perhaps the most reasonable explanation for this video is a very ill prepared hiker, hiking up a difficult section of snowline as opposed to a much easier route, one who is very physically fit and able to cover ground in unusually quick fashion and must have had very large feet as we were breaking through snow crust in just our boots.
Length : 2:43
Categorized as: Extreme Encounters
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