Extreme Footage: South African Mountain Biker Hit By Antelope | Extreme
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Uploaded on 17 October, 2011
Here is new footage showing the recent collision of a wild antelope aggressively ramming a mountain biker. While South African biker Evan van der Spuy raced through the savannah of KwaZulu-Natal province he suddenly experienced a shocking stop. He was racing for Team Jeep South Africa as nature took this weird turn on his racing event.
A short moment before this occurs Evan is warned by trailing biker Travis Walker who was videoing the race from a mounted bike cam. Clearly with only short seconds to react it’s soon too late as Travis shortly yelled “holy cow”. The animal was a Red Hartebeest, which is a larger sized antelope that can weigh up to 300 plus pounds. Other than soreness and intense surprise, the biker was not hurt. It appears the territorial antelope is in good shape also as he gallops off into the savannah, through the acacia trees.
Length : 1:15
Categorized as: Extreme Encounters
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hahaa, kaboom
October 18, 2011 at 8:22 am
What an odd moment
November 6, 2011 at 5:24 pm