Fowled Reality
Fowled Reality Sizzle 2018
Fowled Reality Season 7 is just around the corner! With a cold 2018 season, they experienced loads of success and a few setbacks that made them work even harder. Get a glimpse of what’s to come in their latest sizzle reel.
Length : 2:17

The Experience
2017 was an incredible snow goose hunting season for Fowled Reality with Willow Creek Waterfowl. 3000 decoys, a 40 foot shipping container, extension tubes, cases of shells, and a TON of snow geese!
Length : 15:16

POM Waterfowl Hunt
Peterson Outdoors Ministries provides outdoor recreational therapy to wounded veterans as well as youth and adults with disabilities or terminal illnesses. For Fowled Reality, this is the third year they’ve filmed the waterfowl hunt hosted by them.
Length : 17:02

Waterfowl Mother Nature
In this video, Fowled Reality talks about two of those less than ideal conditions and how they have put a few good hunts together, despite Mother Nature doing her best keep it from happening.
Length : 12:56

There is a special bond in duck hunting between a man and his dog. That bond goes far beyond just the time spent on a duck hunt. They become best friends and part of the family. All of this and more rings true between Tony, Gator, and the whole Daniels’ family because of one day at the “H.A.H”. See Tony tell the story on a weekend mallard hunt with friends in the hole it all took place in.
Length : 9:59

Ear To Ear
Fowled Reality Season 6 continues, in this episode, a few of the kids from C&L Outdoor Adventures Guide Service and some local kids from Illinois light up ‘Ear to Ear’ during the youth waterfowl hunts in Missouri and Illinois.
Length : 9:57

Green On White
See how snow once again plays a role for Fowled Reality in Season 6, Episode 2 ‘Green On White’
Length : 11:03

Swatting Skeeters
Fowled Reality makes their way to Illinois for a duck hunt early in the season, limiting out in a flooded timber millet hole full of Gadwall, Wigeon, and Pintails.
Length : 9:48

Fowled Reality Season 6
This is a brief video of what’s to come in Fowled Reality’s Season 6 line of videos chasing ducks and geese!
Length : 1:45

Late-Season Duck Hunts
The Fowled Reality X team shares a few late-season tactics they use.
Length : 2:57

Hunting Flocks Of Mallards
Watch the Fowled Reality crew hunt green heads in cornfields from layout blinds.
Length : 9:45

Migration & Waves Of Pintails
The Fowled Reality crew is back with their opening segment of ‘The X’ series. Watch as they experience serious pintail action.
Length : 10:15

Brushing In Duck Blinds
In this segment 3 of ‘The X’, the Fowled Reality crew talks about how to brush in a layout blind.
Length : 4:40

Scouting Food Sources | Ducks
The Fowled Reality crew talks about scouting and patterning ducks in segment 2 of ‘The X’.
Length : 2:58

Snow Goose Throwback
In snow goose hunting, scouting is very important. Couple it with being hidden and a little bit of luck and you have a recipe for success. See more in this throwback video with Fowled Reality.
Length : 11:46

Christmas Waterfowl Migration
For many of us, a big warmup is coming. What’s that mean for waterfowl? Check out Fowled Reality’s migration update in this week’s #WaterfowlWednesday video.
Length : 4:31

Storm To Waterfowl Migration
Social media is buzzing with hopes of a waterfowl migration thanks to a winter storm that is brewing. Will it snow and where is anyones guess. One thing is for sure, there’s not an arctic outbreak following the storm, but at least temperatures that will be closer to normal.
Length : 3:06

Waterfowl Hunting Retrievers
Check out this ‘Waterfowl Wednesday’ short clip from Fowled Reality. If you own a waterfowl retriever, you know the experience of see them go through training all the way to running across that field or swimming the marsh to retrieve a downed bird. Having a dog on the hunt brings the meaning behind the hunt to the next level!
Length : 2:33

Northward: Snow Goose Hunt
After ideal snow goose hunting weather to kick off the 2015 conservation season, Fowled Reality knew this year would be tougher.
Length : 10:19

El Nino Waterfowl 2015/2016
The 2015-2016 waterfowl hunting season will forever be characterized by “El Nino”. See more in the latest from Fowled Reality!
Length : 9:04

Wounded Warrior Duck Hunt
The Wounded Warrior Duck Hunt that is hosted by Peterson Outdoors Ministries is a hunt Fowled Reality looks forward to every year. See more in this years adventure ‘Heroes’.
Length : 12:28

Goose Hunt: X Marks The Spot
Finding “The X” is important in any waterfowl hunt, but especially when you’re chasing geese. They’re creatures of habit and being off their spot by just a bit can make all the difference.
Length : 10:52

Wheat Field Goose Hunt Plan B
Regardless of if you’re goose hunting or chasing ducks, having a plan b is always important. No matter how much scouting or planning you put into a hunt, something is bound to go wrong. Being able to quickly adjust can make all the difference at the end of the hunt.
Length : 10:21

Duck Hunting: Bands
In duck hunting, a band is the ultimate prize! Duck hunters can go years, or in some cases, a lifetime without getting the prize on a bird’s leg, but in this duck hunting video, there is more than one “band” involved. Fowled Reality in episode 5.3 Bands.
Length : 13:12

Duck Hunting Canada
Fowled Reality kicks off season 5 with duck hunting in Canada. See what the guys do when they deal with delayed migration and small numbers of ducks on lots of little ponds.
Length : 9:03

Sea Duck Hunting: Big Water
When it comes to duck hunting, there is no bigger environment than the ocean. Hunting sea ducks is an experience unlike any other in waterfowl. From the boats, to the lines, the anchors, and even the decoys, bigger is better when you’re on the ocean.
Length : 10:08

Fowled Reality 2015/16
Here is a sizzle reel of Fowled Reality’s 2015/16 waterfowl hunting season.
Length : 1:45

Goose Hunting In Montana
Big skies and big geese for Fowled Reality. Follow them in ‘The X’ as they hunt geese in Montana.
Length : 11:13