Another whitetail tagged in this Leatherwood Outdoors hunting video. The 2011 clip features Nick shooting his first whitetail with a rifle.
Trail Camera Record Whitetail Buck, Archery, Perfect Timing
Witness a 24 inch- monster whitetail harvested during bow season in Western Wisconsin. This archery moment claims the largest whitetail kill ever captured on a trail camera.
A Team Prostaff: Rifle Whitetail Buck, “The Beginning”, Steve’s Hunt
Rifle season in Nebraska continues here with Steve Ficco’s whitetail buck. On November 14th, second day firearms, a big buck circles up a draw following a doe.
A Team Prostaff: Rifle Whitetail Buck, “The Beginning”
Three guys, three states, and 1 Team is A Team Prostaff. The hunting footage for you begins now with “The Beginning”, part 1. In this video, Brandt hunts a mature whitetail deer in Nebraska.
Archery 2011, Sam Ellyson Z7 Extreme’s “Island Buck”
A giant whitetail was living on a flooded island in South Dakota. Watch here as hunter Sam Ellyson gets the opportunity to hunt this monster buck.
Faith At Full Draw: Archery, Monster Ohio Buck & Coyote
Welcome to Ohio, in this intense bow season footage. Faith at Full Draw features this big buck hunt with Denny Sharrone and Dale Olbon. See this odd morning fade successfully, as Denny tags a trophy whitetail buck. Also, Dale gets in on the bow action landing a coyote on this same morning.
Oklahoma Bowhunting 2011, Trophy Whitetail Buck
Josh Dahlke’s camera rolls in this new 2011 Oklahoma bow hunt. The footage shows another heart- racing trophy tagged this year.
The Natural Order TV: Bust A Buck Scents And Lures
See this buck activity progress using “Bust a Buck Scent and Lures”. TNO TV displays footage and trail cam pics of these whitetails.
Cabela’s Whitetail Watch: 2011, “Finding Killable Bucks”
Tune in for another week of Cabela’s Whitetail Watch. In this episode 5, Bill Winke shares his knowledge of deciding on which buck to shoot. Learn more here on finding the the right buck in your area.
Bill Booth Outdoors: 2011, Ohio Trophy Whitetail
On this adventure to Ohio, Bill Booth tags a monster whitetail. He pulls back from 20 yards and lands a 250 lb. buck with a Gross B&C 149 2/8.