Right here, Steve’s new Nebraska Rifle hunt. Steve Ficco with A Team Prostaff gets down right dirty on a giant 150 inch class Whitetail in Southern Nebraska day one of the firearm season
A Team Prostaff: New 2011 Awesome Kills, Archery Whitetail
Brandt Smith with A Team Prostaff is in Nebraska knocking down Whitetails with his Bowtech Guardian. After taming down the doe population and putting a coyote in check, Brandt nails a 145 P+Y buck on November 9th at 40 yards.
Bucks Shot Together: Rare Day For Local Hunter
This hunter got more than he expected on opening weekend of hunting season. A rare moment as two bucks stroll in range with their antlers hung up.
Steven Drake’s Montana Hunting Season, “A Look Back”
A look back at Steven Drakes 2010 hunting season. This video slideshow flashes back to the pronghorn adventure, a whitetail buck, and takes a main focus on his elk hunt.
The Story On Primetime, Whitetail Antlers Gone Wild
Biologic & Farming for Wildlife Magazine and Wilderness Whitetails set a plan to watch a giant buck go through antler genesis. This whitetail deer is named “Primetime”
Record Buck, Jack Brittingham’s Texas Archery Non-Typical Whitetail
A monster buck shows up giving a hunter an opportunity of a lifetime. Featured archer in this hunting video is Jack Brittingham.
Hawn N Sons 2011 Archery, Self Filmed
Fourteen deer stroll through in this footage and they include two monster bucks. This deer hunting video took place on December 10, 2011 by Hawg N Sons.
Team KnockOut: 2011, Episode 7
Team Knockout entertainment presents 2011 archery season. In Episode 7, Jeremy Myers bow hunts a whitetail buck in Pennsylvania opening week.
Perry Kise, 2011 Archery Buck
Another monster whitetail dropped in Central Ohio. This big buck was tagged by Perry Kise on October 27, 2011.
Leatherwood Outdoors: 2011 Pa Rifle Season, Opening Day
See rifle season 2011 kickoff for Leatherwood Outdoors. John shares his opening morning with several bucks passing through. Kale Royer nails the big 8 as seen in previous footage. Also, step back with Hunter Ruby