This video is a simple portrait of a good friend and beautiful place, South Dakota. Brady Neiles was lucky enough to follow along on the first day of archery deer 2011.
Close Encounters | BowHunt Or Die – S3 – Episode 12
Join the Bowhunt or Die team as they try to take advantage of an early October cold snap to harvest a few whitetails.
Oklahoma Archery Buck Kill
This video features a short hunting clip during Oklahoma’s deer season. Watch here as he sets up in a favorite stand that lands him a great shot.
Cabela’s Whitetail Season – Chasing Double G4
Welcome back to Cabela’s Whitetail Season. This week Bill heads out for the first hunt of 2012 and has an encounter with the Double G4 buck. Bill has been chasing this particular deer for the past 4 seasons.
Major League Bowhunter – Season 2 – In The Books
Meet the personality behind MLB and their educational TV show. This week is the last episode for another exciting season. Join behind-the-scene footage showing the fun these guys mix in with their hard work and travel.
Bowhunting Deer Pennsylvania 2012 #1
Brandon hunts during the first week of bow season in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He is joined by Grant filming throughout the day. Brandon is using his Sage Samick Recurve with Striker Broadheads.
The Crush With Lee And Tiffany – Tiff’s Monster Buck
Tiffany takes another monster with her bow during a late season bow hunt.
2012 Compound Bow Hunt Deer Kill Pa
Brady takes a big doe with his Hoyt Carbon Element Compound Bow while hunting in Clarion county Pennsylvania.
Dustin Moran’s Self-Filmed Archery Buck
Double D Staffer Dustin “Doogie” Moran self films and shots a nice Pennsylvania whitetail with the bow on PA gamelands.
MLB | Episode 211 – Drained
Jeff battles the Wallahachie wind and much more in episode 211 – “Drained”. The Major League Bowhunter team continues their time toll of almost two months in Northwest Oklahoma. See if Jeff can fight through some bumps to fill his last tag.