Join Brad Russell as he hunts antelope with Echo Hunt Club in Colorado and then join Adam Nicholas as he hunts whitetail in Oklahoma.
LO 1.13 – Pure Michigan
In this previous episode Leap outdoors has a couple of great whitetail hunts in MI with a crazy twist. Also extra footage of getting on some Steelhead action on the river.
Iowa Bow Season – November Hunts
Southeast Iowa deer hunting footage collected from the 2011 archery season.
Cold Steel Whitetail Spear Harvest + Bow
This hunter takes on his second whitetail spear hunt. Self filming he lands another successful shot and kill.
2012 Ohio Shotgun Season [Doe Harvest]
Nathan Biggs from Brow Tineproductions fills another doe tag while finishing out the 2012 Ohio Shotgun Season.
Illinois Deer Hunting – Caught Between Rutting
Deer footage picked up in Lake County Illinois by HawgnSons Productions. Footage from December 2012 shows a 3.5 year old 10 point buck with a doe during the rut.
The Big Brow Buck Harvest | 2012 – Saskatchewan
Check out more deer hunting footage from the 2012 rifle-season. Jarrett has something come out of the woods that got his blood flowing.
‘First Bow Blood’ W/ Alex Abens
Bowhunting takes the hunter on a crazy roller coaster at times. Join Alex Abens as she shares her footage showing her first archery buck harvest.
2012 Josh PA Rifle Season Harvest
Tag along with Josh as he is looking to fill a buck and doe tag during the rifle season in PA.
November ’12 Iowa Buck Harvest
Adam’s giant 2012 buck harvest.