The Otown Outdoors crew continue their pursuit for Montana mule deer.
The Great 8
John and Andrew score his rifle season buck with an official Boone and Crockett measuring kit.
Montana Kick Start
Follow Otown Outdoors as they set out for a Montana mule deer hunt. With mule and whitetail deer tags in place, this would be Nick and Korey’s kickstart to new adventures in the western states. Watch: Part 2 Produced by Otown Outdoors
Hill Country
Easton bowhunts for whitetail on a food plot he worked hard on the previous summer.
Shed Hunting Pt. 3
John finishes his shed hunting season in the middle of April.
PA Frontier
John and friends re-enact the historical Pennsylvania frontier, long hunters, during the late flintlock muzzleloader deer season in clarion county.
First Buck
Charles films his family hunt during the 2021 and 2022 rifle deer seasons in Clarion county
Last Minute
After unseasonably warm temps for the late season in Iowa, the weather finally gives Brennen Nading a chance on his last evening to hunt.
Pressured Whitetail
John Royer hunts for mature pressured whitetail bucks during the rest of the Pennsylvania rifle season.
Late Flintlock
John Royer hunts the flintlock muzzleloader deer season in Clarion County