This big buck appears to come back to life.
5.05 NE Whitetail Pt.1
The first part of our Nebraska whitetail bowhunting adventure finds Adam Wells strategizing on out foxing a mature buck at Swanson Lake Ranch.
Photo Slideshow | Hunting Season ’12-’13
A compilation of highlights and footage from hunting season 2012-2013.
Story Of my Biggest Buck | Clearwater-Media
Checkout this short story and whitetail hunting footage from Clearwater-Media
S1E5: “Land of Oz” | D.R.T. Hunting TV
As whitetail hunters, the first week of November is what we dream about. Tag along with Steve Burch and Seth Feagan as they pursue a giant sunflower state buck.
Bowhunt Or Die: Season Finale – Late Season Success
Check out the season finale of Bowhunt or Die. In this episode 24 Todd Graf takes an awesome buck as bow season closes.
Ohio Nontypical Buck Hunt 2012 | LMG
Faith at Full Draw’s Dale Olbon and Denny Sharrone put on an all out ground assault on this nice Ohio buck.
FCM – ‘The Journey 2012’
A short video highlighting Full Circle Mountain and their favorite time of the year. A time that is based around chasing white-tailed buck around the woods of PA.
2012 PA Archery Buck Self-film
Brandon Wetzel self-films his biggest buck to date. A nice 10 point archery deer that has an exciting story behind it. See the hunt here how this buck pursuit began in September.
-Shed ’12- | J2 Media
‘J2 Media’ shares this video featuring the annual spring shed hunt in central Nebraska.