A quest for an old monarch buck reaching 8.5 years old ends.
Mike’s Iowa 2012 Whitetail Bowhunt
This is Mike’s Iowa Whitetail Bowhunt from Don R.
A back yard visitor shows up and it happens to be this young whitetail buck.
Whitetails INC: A Buck Named Bentley
Step into Whitetails INC’s “From The Vault”. This is a continuing series showcasing classics and fan favorites.
In this recent event a deer crashes into a bus in western Pennsylvania.
Not Filling A Tag & Whats To Be Said
Travel in this hunting short to Missiouri and see a few of the deer and hunts from Antler Invasion’s 2012 Season. A Dark Ridge Media Production.
#DEERTOUR 2 – 2013 Whitetail Deer Trailer
New 2013 Whitetail Deer Hunting full feature film – Video, filmed deer hunters in Illinois, Missouri, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, Michigan and Iowa.
Big&J TV: Finding More Sheds!!
Big&J TV Shawn and Mike from Heartland Bowhunter and Bryan and Clay Craft from Whitetail Properties explain how the Big&J product line helps them hold more bucks on their property and therefore find more shed antlers.
A Giants Life Trailer – Hunting Film Tour
Follow Dean Partridge and the CWTV team as they capture on film some of their most incredible hunts to date, including the spell binding hunt for a GIANT 230+ inch non-typical whitetail they nicknamed Droppy.
Rut Dreams – Deer Season Stories
The rut had taken a tole on the whole crew. Unseasonable warm weather and strange season changes made for a difficult peak hunting period for a big buck.