Through unique solo camerawork and one bowhunter’s suspenseful search for a trophy buck in the rolling hills of Oklahoma, the debut film from Whitetail Warriors turns everything you’ve always thought about deer hunting completely on its head.
Game Of Inches Trailer
Join Dustin Lutt, a lifelong trophy hunter from Nebraska, and Aaron Hitchins who grew up gun hunting in Ontario, Canada, as they spend a Kansas deer season in pursuit of the state’s legendary whitetails. Game of Inches is a film dedicated to illustrating the many ways success can be measured in the field, and diffusing the egos that plagues our sport and industry.
OYO Sesason E.6 Bow Only
The crew leaves the rifles at home and decides to pick up the bows to join the orange army. It was a big change of pace for most of the guys but made the challenge that much more difficult.
2014 Turkey Preview
A preview of WB’s 2014 spring Turkey Season!
My Fiance’s First Buck
Joe Elbeuf films his fiance harvest her first buck with a bow in New Jersey during the 2013 season. Following the hunt, Joe makes this day even more memorable by proposing and she says “Yes”.
Whitetail Bosses’ Summer
Whitetail Bosses and their summer preparations leading into falls deer season.
OYO E.4: On The Road
The crew takes time in early November to travel to farms in Northern Missouri to bow-hunt.
Deer Season Trailer ’14
Check out a quick preview of Whitetail Bosses 2013 Fall Deer Season.
The Memory
This hunt will get your adrenaline going when you follow Jairus Roark as he attempts to stalk a tom turkey with 8 hens around.
See more on Ryan Lawwells up and down Ohio deer season from Greenback Tactical Hunters.