Riley’s First Deer

Riley's First Deer

Follow Scotty and his daughter Riley to the Huntin’ Grounds Property in pursuit of her first deer during the Missouri 2015 youth season. They have some up close and personal deer action and capture some incredible footage that made a hunt they’d never forget.

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Bob’s Whitetail Bowhunt

Bob's Whitetail Bowhunt

Watch Bob McCall as he hunts whitetail deer with his PSE compound bow in Clarion county Pa, along with his cousin and cameraman John Royer.

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Bow Hunting Deer + Rare Black PA Mountain Lion!

Bow Hunting Deer + Rare Black PA Mountain Lion!

Follow Charles as he came up from Florida to hunt whitetail deer along with cameraman John Royer in Clarion county Pennsylvania. It’s not long until a big doe comes into the foodplot and Charles make a great shot with his Elite Archery Hunter bow and Rage Hypodermic broadheads.

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Brendan’s First Bow Harvest

Brendan's First Bow Harvest

Follow Brendan McCall as he hunts for a whitetail doe with his compound bow. He is with his cousin and John Royer running camera. The guys see some gobblers and a nice 9 point buck. Soon after a doe comes into the food plot and Brendan makes an amazing shot in the heart. This was Brendan’s first bow kill ever.

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