Learn about the Tennessee deer hunter who has harvested a 47-point whitetail buck that could be a world record.
5|1 Rusty Gunsling-er
Sam Ash heads out on another Iowa shotgun season hunt.
Joe Pascarella’s 2016 Season
Joe Pascarella takes you through the highlights of his 2016 archery hunting season in Western Pennsylvania.
The Drag
A quick video project from Joe Sir.
MJD Outdoors: The Stand
The Stand is about waiting for the right opportunity to present itself. Patience and learning while on the stand are all part of the process.
Whitetail Deer Hunting Tips
Deer Hunting 2016. Follow John Royer as he shows how he hunts for whitetail deer during the rifle buck season in clarion county Pa. John shares his tips, secrets and strategies for hunting and stalking whitetail deer. He also spots multiple deer on this hunt including a nice 8 point buck.
LWO Archery Season 2016
Follow John Royer as he bow hunts in Clarion county Pennsylvania for whitetail bucks. John records his outings during the last two weeks of the season hoping to catch bucks chasing does during the rut.
Sound of Spring
Whitetail Instinct presents ‘Sound Of Spring’.
Ben’s Crossbow Hunt in Clarion County Pa 2016
John’s friend Ben comes out to western Pa during the early archery season to try and take a doe with his crossbow. The guys see lots of deer and a big 10 point buck but were unable to get a big doe within range for a good shot. We will try again next season!
Spotting Pennsylvania Bucks 2016
Follow John Royer as he spot lights deer all over Clarion county Pa. using a Stanley 2000 lumen LED Spotlight.