After a slow 2011 season, Zach and Mike are headed out to fill their buck tags in Kentucky.
[ Tag Team ] 2014 – Beat Down Hunts
This video shows my wife going after her first deer ever! And on top of that she was able to do it with just a stick and string.
Recurve Bow Deer Hunt 2014 – Shane
Shane Reed takes to the woods in Armstrong county Pa with his Bob Lee recurve bow during the late whitetail deer season.
The Management Advantage ‘Kickoff’
The start of the season is here and the past 9 months of hard work are about to be put to the test. This is the time of year we all work and wait for.
Eagle Picks Up Deer
Researchers have been using camera traps to monitor Amur tigers in the Lazovskii State Nature Reserve in Primorye, in the southern Russian Far East, for about five years.
Deer Hunting Season Extra Footage 2013
Rifle Season Extra Footage.
2013 Rifle Deer Season Shane’s Buck
Follow Shane Reed as he films the opening day of rifle buck season with his grandfather in Armstrong county Pennsylvania.
Boozers Archery Season of Misfortune
Charles Boozer talks about his archery season and shows all the misfortunes he had during the season. Chasing, misses, and just plain old bad luck.
Deer Hunting The Rut 2013 November 9th
John Royer gets to his favorite treestand in Clarion county Pennsylvania on November 9th and has an incredible hunt which he captures all on film.
Muzzleloader Deer Hunting 2013 – Brady
Brady McCauley takes his Thompson Center Hawken .50 Caliber Flintlock Muzzleloader to the woods in Clarion county Pennsylvania in hopes of filling is last tag of the 2013 – 2014 late deer season.