Follow Hunter Ruby as he films his father Walt on a long Range rifle doe hunt in Armstrong County Pa. The guys have scouted over the weekend and setup in a field where they have seen deer. A group of doe soon come out and Walt makes a great shot on the doe at 420 yards with his 25-06.
3|4 The Clear Cut
Journey into the next episode with Embrace The Harvest as Sam Ash pursues a mature Iowa Public Land whitetail.
Extra Footage + Shirt tails
Follow Charles Boozer again as he films during the Pennsylvania Rifle season.
Grandpa Reed Doe Hunt
Follow Shane Reed as he films his Grandfather hunt for whitetail deer in Armstrong County Pa. Shane spots a doe bedded and gets the camera on just in time for his grandpa to make a good shot on the doe.
Nicole’s First Deer
Season continues as Shane Reed films his girlfriend Nicole during the second week of the rifle deer season in Armstrong county Pa.
PA Rifle Season 2014: Ron
Follow John Royer as he films Ron during the next to last day of Pennsylvania Rifle Deer Hunting season in Clarion county.
3|3 Ten Point Mane
Follow Ben Kolbeck as he takes down a harvest on a solid ten point while hunting Iowa public land.
SF Bike Rider & Deer Crash
A bicyclist on a road outside of San Francisco crashed into a deer at powerful speeds. Watch the dramatic 2014 footage in this video of his bike-cam capturing the entire escapade.
Rifle Deer Hunting: Adam
In this hunt, Adam Norris heads out to Armstrong county along with cameraman Shane Reed during the last week of the Pennsylvania rifle buck and doe season.
Deer Rifle Hunting: John #2
Follow John Royer as he hunts for whitetail bucks during the 3rd day of the Pa rifle gun season in Clarion county.