For the guys at Dead On Hunting, the only thing better at Deer Camp than multiple deer hanging is sharing canned venison.
Danielle’s 2nd Doe
Follow John and his wife Danielle as they hunt for whitetail deer during the opening day of doe season in Clarion county Pennsylvania. John’s friend Ron kills a doe and not long after that John and Danielle spot a doe coming across the field. Danielle makes a great 100 yard shot on the doe with her Savage .243 and drops it right in its tracks.
Toth’s Recurve Hunt
Follow Ryan Toth along with cameraman Shane Reed as they hunt for whitetail deer in Armstrong County Pa. Immediately a couple doe come running into range. Ryan waits for the doe to turn then make an excellent shot on the big doe.
Dashcam Video: Police Car Hits Deer
Dash cam footage shows the incredible moment a deer runs off into the bushes after being flipped into the air when it collided with a police cruiser.
EP-PD Saves Buck In Frozen River
December 2nd 2015 – Watch as a buck trapped in the icey Big Thompson River, was saved by two officers from the Estes Park police department. Filmed on December 2, 2015 by DJ Walsh. Following the incident, Walsh stated “We see this buck and his family around our home often. Shortly before the incident, on […]
Clarion County Tangled Buck Fight Encounter
John Royer and his family find two of the biggest bucks in their area with locked antlers the night before the opening day of the Pa rifle season in clarion county.
Bow Hunter Saves Young Deer
Watch what happens when bowhunter Heath Sartini encounters two coyotes attacking a fawn. To this deer’s luck there was predator control just over the hill. You must see to believe what happened next.
Bucks Pulled From Cistern Water Hole
Wickliffe Police Department released footage showing officers pull two deer from freezing-cold water earlier this month.
Things Change In A Heartbeat
This episode shows the real side of hunting and just how fast things can happen in the deer woods. Chase takes his first every archery buck with his Bowtech and Steven gets a once in a lifetime chance at a drop tine buck in Arkansas with his CVA Muzzleloader.
Riley’s First Deer
Follow Scotty and his daughter Riley to the Huntin’ Grounds Property in pursuit of her first deer during the Missouri 2015 youth season. They have some up close and personal deer action and capture some incredible footage that made a hunt they’d never forget.