How to make easy deer meat quesadillas recipe 2016. The best and easiest how to make recipe for canned deer meat!
Balance Trailer
Get a preview of Dusty Janc’s Nevada bowhunting film.
T2k Bittersweet Redemption
Head into the Nothern Missouri rut with an archery hunt featuring Tony Hagerman with Time 2 Kill Outdoors.
Traditional Flintlock Deer Hunting – 2016
Deer Hunting 2016 Traditional Flintlock. Follow John Royer as he portrays an american frontiersman in western Pennsylvania at the turn of the 19th century.
Deer Hunting On The Pennsylvania Frontier – 2016
Primitive Deer Hunting Pennsylvania Flintlock Rifle Muzzleloader 2016. Follow a station hunter at the turn of the 19th century hunt the wilderness of the western Pennsylvania frontier which is now known today as Clarion county.
Whitetail Buck Shot & Sheds Antlers
A bowhunter gets the shock of his life when he shoots a deer on the last day of season in Minnesota. As seen in the footage, the buck sheds both antlers at the moment of impact from being shot by an arrow and jumping off.
Western PA Frontier Hunt
2016 Flintlock Deer Hunting Pennsylvania Frontiersmen. Follow video footage of a Revolutionary War Veteran and a Frontier Station Hunter as they deer hunt the western Pennsylvania frontier at the turn of the 19th century while searching for new lands to settle.
Deer Rescued From Icy Minnesota River
Watch as Steven Peterson saves a deer from an icy river he spotted from his vehicle.
Winchester DSXP Short Film
Watch the latest DSXP hunting short film from the Winchester Ammunition Extras.
Reed’s Rifle Season Buck
Watch Shane Reed as he films himself during the last day of the gun season in Armstrong county Pennsylvania. It’s not long before Shane spots deer on the opposite hillside.