The Venari Effect

Otown Outdoors: Moment
Watch as Nick and Jake take one of their good friends on an unforgettable Spring turkey hunt.
Length : 5:19

Otown Outdoors: Mystery
More times than not, the sport of hunting can be very mystifying. This hunt was no different as Jake, Nick and Korey chase one of the smartest wild turkeys they’ve ever encountered.
Length : 7:16

Kicking off this short film series, Rachel Miller connects on an awesome Ohio gobbler after connecting on another outstanding achievement in another passion of hers. Watch this spectacular hunt footage unfold!
Length : 8:57

Welcome | Easton McNeill
This season, Otown Outdoors welcomed Easton McNeill to their crew. He has a creative eye and a passion for capturing stories through the lens of a camera.
Length : 3:37

Otown Outdoors: Mike
Join Nick & Mike on an exhilarating hunt in the Ohio turkey woods.
Length : 5:34

Devil’s Elbow
A trip to Canada to chase blear bear is a once in a lifetime experience. Nick was perched in a platform-stand known as “Devil’s Elbow” with Steve (Dad) as his cameraman. It didn’t take long for some amazing events to unfold. Watch this short-film transpire as told by Nick & Jake Miller.
Length : 6:29

Otown Outdoors: Thank You
Hunting provides many things for us in addition to food for the table. Nick Miller explains one of these tremendous benefits as he, Korey, and new team member Easton chase wild turkeys.
Length : 5:21

Are You Ready?
Get juiced up for deer season with this short clip from Otown Outdoors.
Length : 0:40

Otown Outdoors: Wrestle
Join Nick Miller as he describes the life lessons he has learned from man’s oldest sport and how to effectively apply them in all aspects of life in order to achieve your dreams.
Length : 1:24

Otown Outdoors: Confidence
Nick and Korey from Otown Outdoors were very confident heading into the 2015-2016 deer season, and set the expectation to only shoot a buck. Watch as their quest ends on January 10th, and their hard work and dedication pay off.
Length : 8:07

Otown Outdoors: Perfection
Korey Moyer of Otown Outdoors is able to create a perfect memory in this web short as he takes his biggest buck ever.
Length : 6:51

Otown Outdoors: Frontier
Join Jake for his 2015 season as he ends a 7 year drought with a great Ohio buck.
Length : 10:00

Otown Outdoors: Appreciation
Jake Miller spends the off-season working hard. practicing on his bow and arrows, and planning hunting strategies through analysis of maps and trail cams. He heads out into the woods for the Ohio whitetail season with a deep appreciation of all that he has learned, has been blessed with, and the opportunities to be involved in the management and conservation of the deer herd as a hunter.
Length : 12:34