Rogue Wild
Hart Struck
Matt Starley and Riley Shannon attempt to harvest a mature antelope with their bows. Follow along as they search throughout the majestic Hart Mountain in Oregon.
Length : 23:08

Preserving Freedom
This film harnesses the essence of what our public lands mean to us. Having the ability to be free and have a space to practice that freedom we feel is a fundamental right of all people. Without the access for everyone to enjoy our public lands, our right of freedom would be indirectly cutoff.
Length : 2:02

A Rivers Return
A RIVERS RETURN tells the story of a 5 day trip into northern Idaho in search of a bull moose with a bow.
Length : 8:55

The Summit Of Respect
Follow Matt Starley as he shares his stories about hunting the Columbian blacktail deer.
Length : 9:43

A Rivers Return Trailer
A Full Draw Film Tour 7 selection, preview ‘A River’s Return’ by Rogue Wild.
Length : 1:16

Path Of Persistence
Join the Rogue Wild team as they test their body and minds against the breathtaking mountains of Wyoming and the elusive mule deer that call it home.
Length : 12:10

The Caribull Story
Go back in time with Rogue Wild as they reveal the details of a 3 year quest to find a once in a lifetime bull elk named ‘The Caribull’.
Length : 56:11

A John Day Dream
Follow an exciting bighorn sheep hunt with Mike Stanton and friends.
Length : 14:38

The Serenity Of September
Join the Rogue Wild team as they attempt to convey the magnitude of September and what it means to their family.
Length : 10:50

A Brothers Bond
Join Ryan and Matt Starley as they embark on a journey they will always remember. The two brothers have limited entry elk tags for Utah, and end up finding out that what they are searching for was actually the bond that can only be formed from the blood, sweat, and tears in the elk woods.
Length : 16:17