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Hog Hunting With A Mosin Nagant In Florida – 350 Yard Shot
This wildlife hunting tour in Okeechobee Florida has a group of hunters in seek of some wild hogs. One of the hunters manages to get off an amazing shot on a wild hog at over three hundred and fifty yards with his open sight Mosin Nagant. A very impressive feat for any marksmen. One shot kill from the back of a truck at over three hundred yards is something to write home about.
Length : 4:41

Bow Hunting Wild Hogs In Edgar Missouri
Wild hogs herds can grow to large sizes and due to their abilities to destroy land they are often seen as a pest. Many farmers put a bounty out on them because they tear into their fields and cause loss of crops.
Length : 4:12

Hunting Wild Boar In Hungary With a Mauser And 300 Magnum
There are some nice kill shots in this wild boar hunting video shot in Hungary. Using dogs to sweep the wild boars out of the woods and into the open, the boars charge out of the brush at full speed.
Length : 4:43

Bow Hunting Wild Hogs In Texas
This video demonstrates how close you can get to a herd of hogs while they are busy stuffing their stomaches if you have the stealthy skills of these Texas hunters. The video has great production value with the picture in picture while he takes his shot, displaying him taking aim with his bow and shooting, while the main display is focused on a close up of the wild hog showing the moment of impact.
Length : 1:11

Hunting Wild Hogs With Night Vision On .223
Hog Hunting at night with night vision .223.
Length : 4:06

Ranch Hog Youth Hunting In Florida
The first portion of the video is a heartwarming scene with a hunter teaching his son how to properly and safely hunt. It is important to teach young hunters the proper way to handle firearms and this video demonstrates that safety is key. The young hunter keeps his nerves and remains calm through the entire process and is a decent shot.
Length : 9:57

Hog Hunting In Open Cockpit Helicopter With Semi-Auto
This is a impressive video shot in Texas of a hunt in a open cockpit helicopter. As you probably already know, wild hog populations can out grow the area in which they live and land owners find them as a nuisance. This is where a helicopter, semi-auto rifle, and a steady hand come in handy.
Length : 9:47

Using A Pack Of Dogs To Take Down A Wild Hog
It is very common for hunters to use only dogs to track and take down a wild hog. The dogs have the ability to get on the trail of the hog and follow it directly to it. Once they find the wild hog it usually runs and the dogs give chase.
Length : 1:19

Bow Hunting Wild Hogs With Ken Reed In Alabama
Bow hunting wild hogs in the great state of Alabama with Ken Reed. Two hunters come across two large male hogs fighting each other. The scene gets viscous when the two hogs slice into each other leaving massive wounds and almost killing each other.
Length : 9:20

Hunting Wild Hogs In Oklahoma On Farmland
As you can see from the video, hogs are a huge nuisance to farms and they can destroy massive areas of crops over time if not kept in check. The size of a herd of wild hogs in Oklahoma, where this video was shot, can be more than a dozen and each pig will do his fair share of eating each day. The farmers yield can be greatly affected at the end of the season based on how many hogs are on his land grazing his fields
Length : 2:38

Using Thermal Vision While Hog Hunting
Thermal vision is a amazing technology and opens up many possibilities in dozens of applications. One of those applications is hunting at night. Having the ability to stalk your prey as if they were in plain sight while they are oblivious to your existence. Pitch darkness is the best camouflage when your dealing with creatures who have poor vision at night.
Length : 3:02

Hogdude’s Night Time Bow Hunting Using A Feeder And Redlight
Hogdude1234 is no stranger to the Texas hog hunting scene. He has many good videos of his hog hunts all of which are top notch on content and production value. He knows what his viewers want and he delivers. There is an overpopulation on hogs in the area and they make for a great hunt. Hogdude gets the job done.
Length : 7:35

Wild Hog Hunting On Germer Ranch In Texas
In this video the crew takes us out to the Germer ranch to do some hog hunting. The wild hogs have become a nuisance in the local area and the ranch owners want the over population of wild hogs to be reduced in size.
Length : 5:37

Hog Hunting With A Pack Of Dogs In Texas
Dogs have always been a big part of hunting and they provide a great utility. They are often used in wild boar and hog hunting. If the hog is not able to be taken after the first shot with a bow, they dogs are often sent in to wear down and tire the animal, making it easer to take. Wild boards can be vicious when corner and the dogs work as a barrier between you and he wild animal.
Length : 4:00

Wyoming Whitetail Hunt | Rebecca Francis, 2011
Wyoming Whitetail Hunt | Rebecca Francis, 2011
Length : 5:37

American Monsters
This short video features slideshow Part 7 of American monster bucks. This segment contains a handfull of mature bruiser Bulls. Take a look here at these amazing trophy Elk shot throughout the United States.
Length : 0:59

Hog Hunting Tale By The Camp Fire
Wild hogs pose a huge threat to land, farm crops, and other local wild life. Farms put bounties on their heads and pay hunters to help thin their herd or try to eliminate them all together. Using a muzzel loader this hunter tells his tail of the massive hog hunt he go to partake in. The video is nicely edited to go along with the story and the tale is well told. Flashing back to the hunter sitting by the camp fire, he continues to tell his tale of the hogs he once hunted.
Length : 9:24

Hog Chick Sticker & What’s Coming Up
We’re in Texas hunting feral hogs with dogs, a hot chick and a really big knife! Plus a recap of all the action from last week on Team Wild TV and take a look at what’s coming up next week.
Length : 3:55

“Deer Season 2011”, Oklahoma
Metzger Outdoor Productions presents Deer Season 2011. A great time and successful year of hunting & filming. Step into these sights and sounds of nature here with a recent video from Meztger Outdoors.
Length : 1:07

Moose Hunt In Newfoundland
Team Wild’s Carnivore: Moose Meat Special – Part 1. In the first episode of this special 6-part series, Team Wild heads out into the wilds of Newfoundland on the trail of bull moose.
Length : 11:42

Wilderness Hunt: Part Six – The Elusive Mule Deer Buck
There are giants in these mountains, of that we are sure. However, these monster mule deer are also very smart! They have a number of not so close encounters before finally drawing crosshairs on a massive trophy buck.
Length : 5:25

Wilderness Hunt: Part Four
So we’re all packed up and ready to go… all that’s left to do is make the epic 5-hour horseback trek to camp – some 10,000 feet above sea level!
Length : 4:32

embrace 3 6 up south
Nick Brink waits until the conditions are right to hunt his favorite stand on the South end of the farm. The stand produces yet another beautiful Iowa buck for Nick!
Length : 11:09

Hogdude’s Hog Hunting Ambush From Tree Stand By Using Feeder
Electronic feeders are often used to lure wild hogs to a area. When the hog learns that the feeder is a safe source of food they will remember its location and eventually come back to the feeder to eat again.
Length : 6:59

Jack Knife
Follow Brooks Kehoe as he pursues a mature buck in NE Iowa during 2015 rifle season.
Length : 6:00

WTA 2012 Utah Archery Elk Hunt
Worldwide Trophy Aventures presents this new bowhunting elk hunt. Footage captured during the 2012 season in Utah.
Length : 14:49

Wild Hog Hunting: 2012 Archery, BIG Black
A step forward into 2012’s hog archery footage. In this clip, Pro Staffer David Dell pulls out the bow and nails a big black hog.
Length : 4:07

2012 Utah General Season – Big Game Muley
First time hunting Utah in search of a nice archery mule. With his friend Jesse along they were able to capture this first hunt and these are their memories captured with the Gopro.
Length : 2:59