KUIU Ultralight Hunting
Marathon Of Dreams
11 days. 51 miles on foot. 29,643 vertical feet. That’s what it takes for Jason Hairston, Donald Trump Jr., and Brendan Burns to achieve their goals of harvesting Stone sheep with Gundahoo River Outfitters in British Columbia. Climbing through visually stunning yet punishingly difficult terrain, Marathon of Dreams celebrates the challenges of hunting the mountain ranges of North America.
Length : 22:25

Sairam Ugam Part 2
Pedro Ampuero chases ibex in the dramatic landscapes of Kazakhstan.
Length : 8:52

Sairam Ugam Part 1
Pedro Ampuero travels to hunt Ibex in the beautiful mountains of Kazakhstan.
Length : 9:34

KUIU Europe Series: Isard II
In part two of Isard, Pedro Ampuero hunts Chamois in France’s Pyrenees mountains.
Length : 6:19

Toksook Bay Musk Ox Hunt
Brendan Burns travels to remote Western Alaska to hunt Musk Ox with KUIU Customers Justin Shaffer, Lee Daniels and Donnie Ramey.
Length : 7:39

The Feather Architect
In this documentary portrait, we meet the man behind KUIU’s innovative Super Down products, and catch a glimpse of his passion and absolute devotion to quality.
Length : 10:03

These Abiding Gifts
KUIU founder Jason Hairston & his father Mike longbow hunt moose in the Yukon.
Length : 16:21

Spread Tow Carbon Fiber
KUIU’s backpack frame has always been at the cutting edge of technology, but recent advances in carbon fiber technology have allowed us to increase the strength and stiffness of the frame without adding any weight. Go Behind The Seams at Chomarat’s manufacturing plant in South Carolina to learn how this amazing new carbon fiber is manufactured.
Length : 4:18

KUIU Mobile Showroom Tour
KUIU Founder Jason Hairston takes you inside the KUIU Mobile showroom!
Length : 3:00

These Abiding Gifts Trailer
KUIU founder Jason Hairston and his father Mike have spent a lifetime cultivating both their relationship and their longbow practice. Now, Mike has a chance to fulfill a dream fifty years in the making, in a trip to the Yukon Territories. Together they hunt moose along the Macmillan River, and take the time to savor These Abiding Gifts.
Length : 1:00

KUIU Europe: Acornland
Pedro Ampuero hunts mouflon with his compound bow, and makes an unbelievable archery shot to take a great ram.
Length : 7:21

KUIU Summer 2016 Releases
Jason reviews the updates to the ICON Pro and ULTRA Pack line for 2016, as well as showcasing the new Scree Gaiters, Peleton gloves, glassing pad, and game bag system.
Length : 26:53

The Road: MT Bear Hunt
Follow a short film where Brendan Burns makes his yearly trip in Montana to hunt bears with his friend Jerrod Lile.
Length : 6:19

Nahanni Butte: The Last Hunt
Jason Hairston and Brendan Burns travel to the Northwest Territories to hunt with Nahanni Butte Outfitters. See the last hunt in a region becoming a national park, and watch as two fantastic rams are taken in unprecedented detail.
Length : 23:59

KUIU: What We Dream About
KUIU’s mission statement is simple. Build the best technical hunting gear on the planet.
Length : 2:15

KUIU Alaskan Caribou Hunt
KUIU’s Showroom Manager Dallas Moore traveled to Alaska to hunt Caribou with Alaska Gold Rush Adventures. Watch his adventure in this short.
Length : 5:12

Riding In Ashes | KUIU
Kuiu’s Brendan Burns travels to Patagonia to hunt red stag with Argentina Outfitters.
Length : 13:22

KUIU Film Contest
KUIU invites you to share your experiences in our inaugural film festival. Take some great video, and edit it into a movie that captures the memories for your epic adventure. Enter for your chance to win KUIU’s Best Film Award, and a great KUIU prize package.
Length : 3:17

KUIU 2015 Tent Line
In this archived presentation, Jason reviews the 2015 tent line, including the new ULTRA Star 1P and updated Mountain Star 2P.
Length : 23:00

KUIU Summer Innovations
On this archived live stream, Jason Hairston reveals the new Peloton synthetic layers, the ULTRA NX rain gear, and the Alpine pant.
Length : 25:47

KUIU Live: Scarpa Boots
Step into the latest KUIU live presentation with Jason Hairston. In this archive, he covers the introduction details of the all new Scarpa Grand Dru GTX boots, and more on Kenai jackets and Nuyarn socks.
Length : 29:40

Burns’ First Boar
KUIU’s Brendan Burns had never hunted wild pigs, so founder Jason Hairston took him to Hillside Ranch in Northern California to give it a shot.
Length : 11:25

KUIU Commercial 2014
Follow the KUIU crew in their new 2014 commercial shot in Pemberton, BC. ‘The Masters Of Our Fate’ speech combined with KUIU gear being tested to extreme limits.
Length : 0:30

KUIU Insulated Gloves
Jason Hairston announces three new glove products for KUIU: the Kenai and Northstar Waterproof Breathable gloves, and the Super Down Glassing Mittens.
Length : 2:46

2014 KUIU :30 Spot
The KUIU :30 commercial spot airing on the Outdoor Channel in July of 2014.
Length : 0:30

KUIU Live: Sleeping Bags
A short video with information on the Super Down Sleeping Bag from KUIU. See more at: KUIU.com/Sleepingbags
Length : 8:37

Ultra Pack Test: Cliff Toss
Watch as Jason Hairston and the KUIU team head out to test the durability of the ULTRA PACK. See if it can withstand a 130 yard toss loaded with over fifty pounds, down a steep hill.
Length : 12:44

KUIU: Ultra Pack System
Designed for mountain hunters, the ULTRA pack series is the lightest and most technically advanced pack in the industry, using only the finest materials and construction. Watch Jason and Shaun give a complete overview of the amazing technology and conscientious design of the ULTRA pack line.
Length : 36:00