Kendell Collective
Red Rock Precision
Check out the new Red Rock Rock Precision commercial that includes a 1,000 yard long distance shot on the range and hunting an elk.
Length : 0:30

The image of hunting itself is slowly beginning to change for the better, and I hope to continue pushing it into a more positive light through videos, pictures, articles, and most importantly, actions.
Length : 4:13

Black Skies
I have never considered myself a “waterfowl hunter,” because I have mostly hunted big game all my life, but hunting is hunting and this was an absolute riot! We hunted 3 days and limited out almost every day. Let’s just say after 3 days of hunting my shoulder was a little sore.
Length : 2:48

Wyoming Mule Deer
This is Colby Kendell’s Wyoming Mule Deer Hunt 2013 with Red Rock Precision.
Length : 10:37