JT Outdoors
Turkey Hunting Season Highlights
This is a video collection from Shane Salmon of JT Outdoors of past turkey seasons.
Length : 56:54

Archery Kill Late Season – JT Outdoors
Let’s take a look at some footage from George of JT Outdoors as he stalks a doe with his bow in the PA Late Season. George captures this hunt with his bow cam.
Length : 5:29

Spring Gobbler 2012 – Rick Tucker
2012 Rick Tucker Spring Gobbler. Things can’t be better in the woods when a Father and son get to enjoy hunting together
Length : 12:53

Josh’s 2011 Archery Buck
Come along as JT Outdoors Cofounder Josh McVay takes a good PA buck with his Hoyt bow.
Length : 7:03

Late Season Rifle / Bow Hunting
Join Brent and John as they both get great opportunities at taking PA WMU 2B Late season Does.
Length : 5:47

2012 Muzzleloader Second Season Video 2
Go with the JT Outdoor team as they hunt the snow covered woods of western PA. Plenty of shots in this vid with a Kill Shot at 15 yards.
Length : 12:05

Muzzleloader PA 2012 Late Season
Join the team at JT Outdoors for late 2012 hunting season in Pennsylvania.
Length : 9:08

Kyle’s Non-typical Late Season Archery Buck
Sit with Kyle in the treestand as George attempts to bump a late season buck to him. This is filmed in first person, and the camera was mounted directly to the bow.
Length : 2:35

2012 Josh PA Rifle Season Harvest
Tag along with Josh as he is looking to fill a buck and doe tag during the rifle season in PA.
Length : 12:20

White Archery Buck – JT Outdoors
JT Co-Founder Justin Tucker takes a deer that you don’t see to often. This was a buck that had been on our hunting property for 5 years. Many hunters had seen him but couldn’t close the deal.
Length : 3:18

JT Outdoors 2012 Archery Season Highlights
The JT Outdoors Pro Staff takes you on a journey throughout the entire 2012 Archery Season.
Length : 9:21

Spring Black Bear Hunt
JT Co-Founder Josh McVay takes his first black bear with a bow in Canada. The bear gets wind of the hunter and camera man, but pull off a great shot and it was captured on footage.
Length : 21:55

Giant 173 6/8″ Archery Buck – JTO
JT Co-Founder Justin Tucker takes a Giant 170″ plus whitetail in Archery Season. This is the largest whitetail they have ever seen on the hoof and had the luck of capturing him on trail cameras early in the summer to know he was in the area!
Length : 18:19

JT Outdoors – 2012 PA Rifle Derek’s Big 8
Pro Staffer Derek Lenhart takes his largest whitetail to date on opening day of PA Rifle Season. Reality becomes True Emotion when he walks up on this great mountain buck!
Length : 11:15

Coyote Archery Harvest | JTO 2012
Hunting whitetail during mid season 2012. The field clears, and he notices a coyote coming across the bottom edge of the field. He finally is going to get his chance at taking his first Coyote.
Length : 9:05

JT Outdoors: Late Season Muzzleloader
Late Season FlintLock Hunting in Western PA. The JT Outdoor team was looking to fill last minute tags and the freezer for the rest of the year.
Length : 8:27

Tucker Spring Black Bear
An Exciting Hunt experience by JT Outdoors co-founder Tucker. This is the first bear hunt they ever been on with an Outfitter and it was a blast.
Length : 19:34

JT Outdoors Part II 2012 Ground Hog Hunting
This is part two of the D&D brothers from JT Outdoors on their varmit control quest shooting a couple of groundhogs off of the properties that they hunt. Great video of some Groundhog(ground grizzly’s) hunting.
Length : 11:39

JT Outdoors Part I 2012 Ground Hog Hunting
Check out some great whistle pig(goundhog) hunting with Derek and Devon from JT Outdoors. There is some great examples of good shooting and land and varmit control.
Length : 7:54