Wild Hog

More in Wild Hog

Big Red Boar Fighting, Night Hog Footage

Moultrie M80 night-time footage of wild hogs fighting at night. They include a big hog named “Big Red Boar”. A leader and smart boar that has survived for over two years.

Length : 0:58


Big Red Boar Fighting, Night Hog Footage
Big Red Boar Fighting, Night Hog Footage

North Texas Rifle Hog Hunt

Predator Take Down 2012. Killing hogs in North Texas continues for these hunters. Decatur is their home town and the they continue to protect it.

Length : 3:41


North Texas Rifle Hog Hunt
North Texas Rifle Hog Hunt

Hog Dogs in Georgia, 704 Outdoors 2012

Hog hunting with dogs in Georgia 2012. Hunting Footage with 704 Outdoors unleashing the hog dogs with SC buddies.

Length : 5:29


Hog Dogs in Georgia, 704 Outdoors 2012
Hog Dogs in Georgia, 704 Outdoors 2012

North Carolina, 1st Hog, 704 Turning Out

704 Outdoors hunting footage 2012. Lee sticks his first hog in North Carolina. 704 turning out in Greensboro.

Length : 1:14


North Carolina, 1st Hog, 704 Turning Out
North Carolina, 1st Hog, 704 Turning Out

First Crossbow Helicopter Hunt Ever, Hog Hunting 2012

The release of the first ever crossbow hunt from a helicopter. Synergy Outdoors with Barnett Crossbows is pleased to share this new hunting footage in 2012.

Length : 2:43


First Crossbow Helicopter Hunt Ever, Hog Hunting 2012
First Crossbow Helicopter Hunt Ever, Hog Hunting 2012

Bow And Pistol Hog Hunting With Melissa Bachman

Famous female hunter Melissa Bachman shows off her skills in both bow and pistol hunting. The game is wild hogs, which come in all colors, and she has her choice while camping out in her tree stand.

Length : 4:45


Bow And Pistol Hog Hunting With Melissa Bachman
Bow And Pistol Hog Hunting With Melissa Bachman

Speedy Hog Charges Rifle Hunter, Wild Tunisian Boar

A charging wild boar expedited before it can attack by P.H. In this amazing hunting footage the hunter captures a last second shot to drop this speedy injured boar.

Length : 4:09


Speedy Hog Charges Rifle Hunter, Wild Tunisian Boar
Speedy Hog Charges Rifle Hunter, Wild Tunisian Boar

Wild Fights Between Wild Boar, 2011 Footage

In this clip, a close look at these crazy fights and footage of the extreme nature during their group time. A nocturnal creature with a very aggressive wild side.

Length : 2:15


Wild Fights Between Wild Boar, 2011 Footage
Wild Fights Between Wild Boar, 2011 Footage

Feral Hogs w/ Benjamin Rogue .357 – Extreme Airgun

International big game airgun hunter Ian Harford heads out into the darkness on the trail of giant feral hogs in Texas

Length : 13:08


Feral Hogs w/ Benjamin Rogue .357 - Extreme Airgun
Feral Hogs w/ Benjamin Rogue .357 – Extreme Airgun

Helicopter Hog Hunting Adventure, Gary Wagner, 2011

New 2011 helicopter hog hunting footage, showing amazing population control in Texas. A hunting video that’s focused on the awareness of the overpopulated hog epidemic.

Length : 22:09


Helicopter Hog Hunting Adventure, Gary Wagner, 2011
Helicopter Hog Hunting Adventure, Gary Wagner, 2011

Oklahoma Hunter Bags 760lb Wild Hog, Crossbow 2011

After two shots with his crossbow, Winston Brown made way to his trophy wild hog. As he climbed down from his deer stand he broke a branch and this made it apparent the hog wasn’t dead.

Length : 3:05


Oklahoma Hunter Bags 760lb Wild Hog, Crossbow 2011
Oklahoma Hunter Bags 760lb Wild Hog, Crossbow 2011

704 Outdoors: Wild Hog Down, Jesse Camp Style

Little Lake Lodge hog hunting footage continues with Jesse Camp and his rifle. Watch the 704 outdoors rifle hunt here.

Length : 1:53


704 Outdoors: Wild Hog Down, Jesse Camp Style
704 Outdoors: Wild Hog Down, Jesse Camp Style

Hog Archery With Reverse Camera Angle

A Texas hog hunting video with more than one camera angle. This clip shows a reverse camera view of a hog getting tagged archery style.

Length : 1:05


Hog Archery With Reverse Camera Angle
Hog Archery With Reverse Camera Angle

704 Outdoors: Beth’s First Wild Hog!

Take a hog hunting ride with 704 Outdoors on the 4th of July. Beth takes down her first wild hog with a 410 shotgun!

Length : 2:56


704 Outdoors: Beth's First Wild Hog!
704 Outdoors: Beth’s First Wild Hog!

704 Outdoors: 2011, Beth Hog Hunting Part II, Monster Boar Knife

704 Outdoors does some hog hunting on Thanksgiving week 2011 in Florida. Beth is back in this video and sticks a hog with a knife for the first time.

Length : 5:54


704 Outdoors: 2011, Beth Hog Hunting Part II, Monster Boar Knife
704 Outdoors: 2011, Beth Hog Hunting Part II, Monster Boar Knife

Keith Warren: Two Texas Hogs With One Shot! – Double Crossbow Kill

Keith Warren is a leading icon in hunting and outdoor footage. He is a devoted conservationist, with a strong passion for nature. In this clip, Keith kills two hogs with one arrow!

Length : 2:28


Keith Warren: Two Texas Hogs With One Shot! - Double Crossbow Kill
Keith Warren: Two Texas Hogs With One Shot! – Double Crossbow Kill

Hunting Mozambique – Warthog & Bushpig

Team Wild is given the opportunity of not one, but two different pig species in the same day.

Length : 2:52


Hunting Mozambique - Warthog & Bushpig
Hunting Mozambique – Warthog & Bushpig

American Monster Hogs, Massive Wild Hogs- Part 10

This short video features slideshow Part 10 of American monsters, ‘Massive Wild Hogs’. These are just a few of the pictures that show evidence of their amazing growth potential.

Length : 1:08


American Monster Hogs, Massive Wild Hogs- Part 10
American Monster Hogs, Massive Wild Hogs- Part 10

704 Outdoors: Hog Hunting Chase

The chase is on in this wild hog hunting video. Watch this 704 style Hog hunt with some dog assistance. This hog puts up a long chase and keeps breaking from the dogs latch.

Length : 3:21


704 Outdoors: Hog Hunting Chase
704 Outdoors: Hog Hunting Chase

Wild Hogs Charge Hunter & Dog

One method of killing or trapping hogs is with the use of hunting dogs. This hunter does just that as things take an unexpected turn.

Length : 3:16


Wild Hogs Charge Hunter & Dog
Wild Hogs Charge Hunter & Dog

Annoying Hog, Blake Shelton’s Buck Hunt Interrupted

This RealTree deer hunt for Blake Shelton gets personal and a bit humorous. It was not a successful deer hunt on this day, and you can get a first hand look why in this video.

Length : 0:55


Annoying Hog, Blake Shelton's Buck Hunt Interrupted
Annoying Hog, Blake Shelton’s Buck Hunt Interrupted

Cody Metzger: Hog Bow Hunting, “Determination”

Oklahoma is one of the many states being affected and forced to control the hog issue that exist. In this short video, Cody Metzger takes the time and effort to help out a fellow land owner.

Length : 3:25


Cody Metzger: Hog Bow Hunting, "Determination"
Cody Metzger: Hog Bow Hunting, “Determination”

Hungary Wild Boar Rifle Hunts Part II

Wild boar hunting continues in Hungary as this clip features part 2 of 2. If you enjoyed part 1 you will surely be entertained, as the hunting only gets more intense.

Length : 7:22


Hungary Wild Boar Rifle Hunts Part II
Hungary Wild Boar Rifle Hunts Part II

Hungary Wild Boar Rifle Hunts Part I

Hungary features a highly praised tradition of hunting. Not just for the big game but for the natural beauty Hungary presents. Hunters can expect high- quality game management here, and lots of wild boar hunting as you see in this video.

Length : 4:43


Hungary Wild Boar Rifle Hunts Part I
Hungary Wild Boar Rifle Hunts Part I

Chipper Jones Bow Hunts With Buck Commander/Hog Commander

This video features pro baseball player Chipper Jones, as he sets out on an epic bow after some wild hog. He teams up with BuckCommander.com and has somewhat of a comical bow hunt.

Length : 1:30


Chipper Jones Bow Hunts With Buck Commander/Hog Commander
Chipper Jones Bow Hunts With Buck Commander/Hog Commander

Massive Wild Hogzilla Over 1000lbs

Hogs can grow extremely large when kept as pets and feed regularly with slop and other food. It is rare to see an actual wild hog of this size and it is definitely a hog worthy of the title ‘hogzilla’. This was shot in Alabama and might of been the largest hog ever shot in the area if not anywhere. The hunter Randy Britt is known for this kill and has been in magazines for this kill.

Length : 8:19


Massive Wild Hogzilla Over 1000lbs
Massive Wild Hogzilla Over 1000lbs

Archery Hunt Wild Hog

Hog hunting has been a very popular subject the last few years. With population control and the dangers they present becoming a clear issue.

Length : 3:07


Archery Hunt Wild Hog
Archery Hunt Wild Hog

Using Thermal Vision While Hog Hunting

Thermal vision is a amazing technology and opens up many possibilities in dozens of applications. One of those applications is hunting at night. Having the ability to stalk your prey as if they were in plain sight while they are oblivious to your existence. Pitch darkness is the best camouflage when your dealing with creatures who have poor vision at night.

Length : 3:02


Using Thermal Vision While Hog Hunting
Using Thermal Vision While Hog Hunting

Ranch Hog Youth Hunting In Florida

The first portion of the video is a heartwarming scene with a hunter teaching his son how to properly and safely hunt. It is important to teach young hunters the proper way to handle firearms and this video demonstrates that safety is key. The young hunter keeps his nerves and remains calm through the entire process and is a decent shot.

Length : 9:57


hog hunting rifle
Ranch Hog Youth Hunting In Florida

Wild Hog Hunting On Germer Ranch In Texas

In this video the TextHuntFish.com crew takes us out to the Germer ranch to do some hog hunting. The wild hogs have become a nuisance in the local area and the ranch owners want the over population of wild hogs to be reduced in size.

Length : 5:37


Wild Hog Hunting On Germer Ranch In Texas
Wild Hog Hunting On Germer Ranch In Texas

Hog Hunting In Open Cockpit Helicopter With Semi-Auto

This is a impressive video shot in Texas of a hunt in a open cockpit helicopter. As you probably already know, wild hog populations can out grow the area in which they live and land owners find them as a nuisance. This is where a helicopter, semi-auto rifle, and a steady hand come in handy.

Length : 9:47


Hog Hunting In Open Cockpit Helicopter With Semi-Auto
Hog Hunting In Open Cockpit Helicopter With Semi-Auto