Wild Hog
More in Wild Hog
Sauer Boar Skills
In this wild boar hunt, Franz Albrecht displays a world class type of shooting performance. Quick shooting and reloading for the next full speed boar in a matter of seconds.
Length : 3:19

Almaguer Archery Hog
Amidst late deer-season Daniel Almaguer takes advantage of an encounter with a big Texas boar.
Length : 5:30

Pride 7 Boar Event
This highlight film shows an inside look at the Pride 7 hunting tournament.
Length : 10:32

Toms CA Pig Hunt
A short edit of Tom Powell’s California boar hunt. Check out his footage here of this exciting 2013 hog hunt at Hillside Ranch.
Length : 4:28

Bows & Boar Attack
Shane Compain compiled this short highlight video of bowhunting wild hogs.
Length : 1:21

Bavaria Boar Drive
Pete Carr and Andy Crow are on a traditional driven wild boar hunt in Bavaria with all the trimmings.
Length : 19:47

Hogs In Cape York
Hoyt compound bow takes on wild hogs in North Queensland. See the teaser for this personal hog hunt.
Length : 0:54

Pig Hunts | Central QLD
An informative video on the life of this hog hunter in Central QLD.
Length : 2:59

2012 Javelina Hunt
EOTR staff member, Eric, goes on a summer javelina hunt in South Texas. Watch as the javelina attempts to retaliate after the shot. What an exciting hunt!
Length : 4:17

Wild Boar Bowhunting
Hunting footage that takes you on a few days of bowhunting wild hogs.
Length : 24:52

Recurve Wild Hogs
This is a compilation of hunts for wild hogs by Jim Dussias and his traditional bow.
Length : 13:46

Wild Hog & Doe Harvest
James Ferguson has a successful hunt while hunting for deer in Oklahoma. James connects on a whitetail doe and a hog.
Length : 8:21

Three Little Pigs
Check out Fired Up Outdoors 8.2 as Chris Walls self films himself taking an Oklahoma wild hog.
Length : 25:38

Bowhunting Hogs In Oklahoma
This hog hunt was filmed in Oklahoma. After He shot it once, it charged and smacked into a tree, giving him an opportunity to put a second arrow into it.
Length : 1:01

Boars In Hungary 2
It’s back to the Hungarian forests to chase the wild and always slippery wild boars.
Length : 8:15

One Down
This bowhunter takes down a wild hog in southern Alabama. See what they picked up on film as this big herd of hogs rolls in.
Length : 1:59

Aporkalypse Now Promo | Pig Man: The Series 2012
Feral Hogs are now in 37 states. See more here in this Aporkalypse Now Promo. Presented by Sportsman Channel and Track Ten Productions
Length : 2:45

Cedar Ridge Heli Assault Promo
This package is no longer offered through Cedar Ridge but the promo video is worth the watch. Cedar Ridge Aviation’s Heli Assault is hog hunting with fully automatic weapons from the ground or helicopter.
Length : 3:10

Bowhunting Boars | 3 Hogs With 3 Arrows
Ty Weaver smacks three hogs with his Martin Bow using Crimson Croc Broadheads and TriVan Arrow Rest. See more here as this young bowhunter takes out these boars out using his vantage point of a treestand.
Length : 5:53

Night Time Hog Hunt, 2011
If you think hunting hogs during day light hours is a blast you should try hunting them at night.
Length : 11:56

Wild Boars ( Happy Family Part : 3 )
A day hunting the trophy wildboar with a Syed Ameer Ali Shah and his .270win Wetherby
Length : 9:21

South Carolina Hog Hunt W/ Blaine Anthony
Blaine takes a trip back to South Carolina on year 4 for the elusive swamp hog that has eluded him for 3 years strait. Does he finally get a shot? Watch to find out.
Length : 27:37

The Great Hog Escape of 2012 | Trapping Hogs Gone Wrong!
Check out another wild day in the woods with 704 Outdoors. They have been playing cat and mouse with a sow and her super fresh piglets the past couple weeks. Well they got just big enough. They didn’t get out before we got on the scene. After the first shot though, they stepped the efforts […]
Length : 8:55

JT Outdoors Part I 2012 Ground Hog Hunting
Check out some great whistle pig(goundhog) hunting with Derek and Devon from JT Outdoors. There is some great examples of good shooting and land and varmit control.
Length : 7:54

Kyle Baker TX Hoghunting | The Bow Boar
A monster hog decides to show up on this scorching afternoon in Texas. Kyle Baker takes this boar by bow and claims it to be the oldest he’s ever seen in the wild.
Length : 6:32

Traditional Bow Hunting, 2012 Hog Harvest
Hog hunting short clip 2012. This hunter uses his traditional bow to shoot the wild hog.
Length : 3:34

Invasive Boars | Hog Wild – KQED QUEST
The story over the 1924 hunter who purposely released wild boar on his hunting land and how to respond.
Length : 11:26

2011 Bowhunt, Turkey Hunt Shifts To Wild Hogs
Turkey hunting goes to hog hunting. While bowhunting for gobblers, Kyle Baker and Bill spot several hogs making way at the wrong time.
Length : 6:39