Hog Bow Hunting
Kyle Baker TX Hoghunting | The Bow Boar
A monster hog decides to show up on this scorching afternoon in Texas. Kyle Baker takes this boar by bow and claims it to be the oldest he’s ever seen in the wild.
Length : 6:32

Traditional Bow Hunting, 2012 Hog Harvest
Hog hunting short clip 2012. This hunter uses his traditional bow to shoot the wild hog.
Length : 3:34

2011 Bowhunt, Turkey Hunt Shifts To Wild Hogs
Turkey hunting goes to hog hunting. While bowhunting for gobblers, Kyle Baker and Bill spot several hogs making way at the wrong time.
Length : 6:39

First Crossbow Helicopter Hunt Ever, Hog Hunting 2012
The release of the first ever crossbow hunt from a helicopter. Synergy Outdoors with Barnett Crossbows is pleased to share this new hunting footage in 2012.
Length : 2:43

Bow And Pistol Hog Hunting With Melissa Bachman
Famous female hunter Melissa Bachman shows off her skills in both bow and pistol hunting. The game is wild hogs, which come in all colors, and she has her choice while camping out in her tree stand.
Length : 4:45

Oklahoma Hunter Bags 760lb Wild Hog, Crossbow 2011
After two shots with his crossbow, Winston Brown made way to his trophy wild hog. As he climbed down from his deer stand he broke a branch and this made it apparent the hog wasn’t dead.
Length : 3:05

Hog Archery With Reverse Camera Angle
A Texas hog hunting video with more than one camera angle. This clip shows a reverse camera view of a hog getting tagged archery style.
Length : 1:05

Keith Warren: Two Texas Hogs With One Shot! – Double Crossbow Kill
Keith Warren is a leading icon in hunting and outdoor footage. He is a devoted conservationist, with a strong passion for nature. In this clip, Keith kills two hogs with one arrow!
Length : 2:28

Annoying Hog, Blake Shelton’s Buck Hunt Interrupted
This RealTree deer hunt for Blake Shelton gets personal and a bit humorous. It was not a successful deer hunt on this day, and you can get a first hand look why in this video.
Length : 0:55

Cody Metzger: Hog Bow Hunting, “Determination”
Oklahoma is one of the many states being affected and forced to control the hog issue that exist. In this short video, Cody Metzger takes the time and effort to help out a fellow land owner.
Length : 3:25

Chipper Jones Bow Hunts With Buck Commander/Hog Commander
This video features pro baseball player Chipper Jones, as he sets out on an epic bow after some wild hog. He teams up with BuckCommander.com and has somewhat of a comical bow hunt.
Length : 1:30

Archery Hunt Wild Hog
Hog hunting has been a very popular subject the last few years. With population control and the dangers they present becoming a clear issue.
Length : 3:07

Hog Hunters Uncover A Large Boar Hiding In The Hay
These bow hunters in Oklahoma are wanting to hunt some hogs and find a treasure in the process. They stumble across a large pile of hay and upon further investigation by walking into the pile they discover a massive wild boar that weights well over four hundred pounds.
Length : 2:11

Bow Hunting Wild Hogs In Edgar Missouri
Wild hogs herds can grow to large sizes and due to their abilities to destroy land they are often seen as a pest. Many farmers put a bounty out on them because they tear into their fields and cause loss of crops.
Length : 4:12

Bow Hunting Wild Hogs In Texas
This video demonstrates how close you can get to a herd of hogs while they are busy stuffing their stomaches if you have the stealthy skills of these Texas hunters. The video has great production value with the picture in picture while he takes his shot, displaying him taking aim with his bow and shooting, while the main display is focused on a close up of the wild hog showing the moment of impact.
Length : 1:11

Hogdude’s Night Time Bow Hunting Using A Feeder And Redlight
Hogdude1234 is no stranger to the Texas hog hunting scene. He has many good videos of his hog hunts all of which are top notch on content and production value. He knows what his viewers want and he delivers. There is an overpopulation on hogs in the area and they make for a great hunt. Hogdude gets the job done.
Length : 7:35

Hog Hunting With A Pack Of Dogs In Texas
Dogs have always been a big part of hunting and they provide a great utility. They are often used in wild boar and hog hunting. If the hog is not able to be taken after the first shot with a bow, they dogs are often sent in to wear down and tire the animal, making it easer to take. Wild boards can be vicious when corner and the dogs work as a barrier between you and he wild animal.
Length : 4:00

Bow Hunting Wild Hogs With Ken Reed In Alabama
Bow hunting wild hogs in the great state of Alabama with Ken Reed. Two hunters come across two large male hogs fighting each other. The scene gets viscous when the two hogs slice into each other leaving massive wounds and almost killing each other.
Length : 9:20

Bill From WildWorks Bow Hunts Wild Hogs
Bill from Wildworks shows off his bow hunting skills on some wild boar in this video from HuntingFootage.com. He manages to get off a clean shot right in the sweet spot behind the shoulder. Allowing the arrow to penetrate into the vital organs, which means the hog wont be able to run as far and will drop faster.
Length : 3:07

Hogdude’s Hog Hunting Ambush From Tree Stand By Using Feeder
Electronic feeders are often used to lure wild hogs to a area. When the hog learns that the feeder is a safe source of food they will remember its location and eventually come back to the feeder to eat again.
Length : 6:59

Wild Hog Hunting: 2012 Archery, BIG Black
A step forward into 2012’s hog archery footage. In this clip, Pro Staffer David Dell pulls out the bow and nails a big black hog.
Length : 4:07