More in Deer
Toth’s Recurve Whitetail 15
Follow Ryan Toth and cameraman Shane Reed as they hunt for whitetail deer in Armstrong county Pennsylvania. A nice big doe comes within range and Ryan make an excellent shot dropping the doe with his Bob Lee Envy recurve bow. The guys change positions in hopes of another shot at a deer but with no luck.
Length : 5:56

Game Of Inches
Millions of people take to the woods in pursuit of whitetails each year in North America, but what is it that they are truly hunting for?
Length : 20:44

Struttinbuck: 4.7 TX Whitetail
Brandon Hunt and Matt Cowell head down to see their friend John Hill at the FE Hill Ranch in Fairfield, TX on a Management Hunt.
Length : 21:35

PA Doe Bowhunt
Follow Jason Smith as he hunts whitetail deer during the first week of the Pennsylvania state wide archery season in Armstrong county. Jason had a bunch of doe come by his stand and was able to film himself take a big doe with his Matthews Helium bow and Rage Hypodermic broadheads.
Length : 5:15

Struttinbuck: 4.6 KS Whitetail
Brandon Hunt and Daniel Davis head out to Kansas under brutal hunting conditions for sitting in a tree during the peak of the rut.
Length : 21:23

The Hunt For Houdini
When a buck of a lifetime appears for David Blanton, he finds himself questioning his priorities, as he tries put a tag on a Kansas whitetail buck nicknamed Houdini.
Length : 19:46

Top 10 Typical Whitetail Deer
Learn info and see photos on the highest scoring typical whitetail deer in the history books.
Length : 2:11

The Story presents an exciting film about Matt Anderson’s chase for a whitetail buck named ‘Chuck’.
Length : 9:58

Kansas Whitetail 4.5
Follow Heath Graham and Jeremiah Mcneely as they head to Kansas during the rut with the hope of harvesting a mature Whitetail with their Prime Bow.
Length : 21:32

Absaroka Bound Trailer
So much weight is given to the size of the animals we harvest being the reason for good hunting stories now days and that couldn’t be farther. Follow Aaron Johnson and his long-time friend Brad set out with their rifles for a double mule deer hunt in Northern Wyoming.
Length : 1:41

A Giants Life
Bowhunter Dean Partridge shares his spell binding hunt for a giant 230+ inch non-typical whitetail they nicknamed ‘Droppy’.
Length : 21:49

Illinois Whitetail Part 2
Greg Cowell continues his hunt in Central IL during the rut.
Length : 21:35

HGO: 4.10 Late Season
Hallowed Ground Outdoors heads into the late whitetail season with archery and rifle hunting tactics.
Length : 22:28

HHO | 2 For 2
Heavy Hitters Outdoors takes off to Southeast Washington for a spot and stalk whitetail archery, DIY, Public land hunt for the coveted Whitetail with Field Staffers Sean Schulz & Brandon McCreedy. Then head back to NE Oregon for Pro Staffer Jeff Coxen’s DIY Public land Bull Elk hunt that’s over before it begins!
Length : 22:05

Chrisondra’s First Archery Buck
Chrisondra’s first buck is the story of a wife and mother who works hard to go after her first mature mule deer with archery equipment. This short film by her husband captures the unforgettable excitement from her joy of success and the moments they experience outdoors together.
Length : 2:34

Searching For G2
As seen at Full Draw Film Tour. The whitetail story “Searching For G2” is here.
Length : 11:48

Illinois Whitetail Part 1
Matt Cowell is in a tree with his wife Brooke Cowell for what is to be a very memorable evening. Then the gears shift to SB’s Greg Cowell on the beginning of his Central IL Bow Hunt.
Length : 21:33

Where’s Waldo 2
This weeks story with GTH is one of persistence, perseverance and a little good luck. Tune in for the rest of an exciting story that never was finished last season.
Length : 21:30

Chuck Teaser
From the award winning producers that brought you “Passion” and “24 Hours” arrives a new adventure about a buck named Chuck.
Length : 1:45

Struttinbuck: Urban Whitetail
Struttinbuck Brandon Hunt and Daniel Davis get an early start on deer season with their Urban Hunt organized by the Arkansas Game and Fish, and Bowhunters Association. The purpose of the hunt is to help control the growing deer population that are becoming a menace to the urban home owner.
Length : 21:52

First Timers E5
Cassie & Devin, first time hunters tag along with the boys as Cassie takes out on her first Oregon Whitetail spot and stalk and Devin and his Dad get down with some Jive Turkeys out in Eastern Oregon.
Length : 21:20

GTH: Lonestar
Greenback Tactical Hunters presents another exciting episode in ‘Lonestar’.
Length : 21:32

Sambar Take 2: Redemption
Team Southern Draw presents their hunt on Sambar Deer Public Land on St. Vincent Island Florida.
Length : 16:29

Story Of The Franz Buck
This is the story of ‘The Franz Buck’. A whitetail hunting story that led Joe Franz into killing what could be the biggest buck shot on film in Iowa.
Length : 10:17

Man’s Plans Derailed 4.2
The season continues with Hallowed Ground Outdoors in Episode 2 of Chapter 4.
Length : 23:19

GTH | Big Skies
‘Big Skies’ takes you on a Montana mule deer hunt with Greenback Tactical Hunters.
Length : 21:32

Son Of The South | Texas
Josh Carney’s hunting adventures take him to Texas with the goal of tagging a mature axis buck using archery equipment. Shortly followed by a sika doe hunt. His travel in Texas brings him new friendships, and great memories.
Length : 10:21

The Crags Teaser
As hunters we always have an attraction to adventure, and not just the kill. Travis found his adventure this past fall chasing mule deer in the rolling sage covered hills. With only a handful of days, Travis searches the barren landscape with hopes of arrowing his first archery buck.
Length : 1:48

Nebraska | E3
Head to Nebraska for whitetail bowhunting with Greenback Tactical Hunters.
Length : 21:30

Wade James seeks solitude in the woods to reset, learn his shortcomings and find contentment in the chances offered.
Length : 9:34

Coastal Blacktail Part 2
Brad and Colton continue their adventure in Part 2 of their Coastal Blacktail Hunt. Countless miles through the Oregon Coast Range in search of the gray ghost!
Length : 26:30

Coastal Blacktail Part 1
Brad and Colton with Heavy Hitters Outdoors head out for the general rifle Blacktail Deer hunt in the Coastal Cascade high country in search of some bruisers.
Length : 26:30