More in Deer

Rain Or Shine
Antlershed Co-Owner Devin Greenwood and Shed staffer Cody Palmer show you a little bit of how the 2012 Missouri Archery season opener went, rain or shine the shed team is on stand.
Length : 2:10

The Whitetail Rut
Brian Shults shares some footage in ‘Whitetail Rut’ from Cades Cove.
Length : 5:21

Empty Shell
Join Swamp Wreck as they take a closer look at hunting Southeastern Virginia.
Length : 7:03

Texas To Missouri
Spring Break Short by Alex Novak. A variety of hunting footage and nature during the month of March, 2011.
Length : 1:47

Ultimate Bowhunting Tv presents this episode featuring an exciting Arizona Coues bowhunt.
Length : 11:07

Broco Deer Camp
Every year towards the end of deer season in Oklahoma, my company holds a Deer camp.
Length : 3:29

Open Season 2013
The early season in Kentucky has begun and Bluegrass Bowhunter is hard at it.
Length : 2:50

Deer Teaser Project 2 – Matt Myers OSN TV
Matt Myers OSN TV presents a look at the Deer Project 2 teaser.
Length : 3:13

The Management Advantage::Patience
Step into deer hunting with The Management Advantage number 47, Patience.
Length : 10:15

This recent video was captured by hunter’s Adam and his Dad shortly after being contacted about two locked bucks in water.
Length : 8:56

Just a minute after shooting a deer, this hunter is shocked by the awakening of his so-thought harvest.
Length : 1:08

Matt’s December Coues Deer, AZ 2012
Borderland Adventures’ owner Matt Woodward finally has a few days to hunt with his own December AZ whitetail tag.
Length : 2:00

Pennsylvania Pursuit – Rifle Season
This video covers Double D Outdoors member Matt Bashline goes through the 2013 hunting season with “hitlist” bucks hitting the ground from Bobbi Pritt with “White Eye 8”, Matt shooting “Big 9”, to his father Vern Bashline slamming the beast “Palmated 8”.
Length : 6:31

Deer Archery Hunting – Self Filmed PA
Sit back and enjoy as my brother-in-law Paul takes us on his first ever self filmed hunt (you wouldn’t know it after you see this footage).
Length : 11:21

PA Deer Hunting 2013 (Rifle Self Filmed)
This is a hunt from December 9th 2013. After passing a few deer earlier in the gun season due to questionable shot opportunities, I finally got this mature doe to give me a great shot that I got on film.
Length : 3:23

Fred Bear Historical Hunting
Fred Bear Historical Hunting Footage. A true legend, gentleman and hunter. He gave the ancient gift of archery back to many wayward hunters.
Length : 9:39

A man arrived home from work and saw two bucks with a doe. Soon to follow was a deer street fight.
Length : 3:44

62 Deer – NY / PA Border
Garrett Bean captured footage of 62 deer at the New York / Pennsylvania border. This all took place under two hours and this is just under two minutes to give you a glimpse.
Length : 1:40

Thanksgiving Buck
Hunter Logan looks to find a whitetail buck on thanksgiving morning. Filmed by Cannon Colegrove with a Canon 7D & Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.
Length : 2:58

S1-E4: 2 Short
Early in to the 2012 Missouri archery season the action gets hot. Watch as Jayce plays the waiting game on a couple possible shooters and Patrick knocks down a buck he’s watched for a few years.
Length : 12:01

Utah Henry Mtn. ’13 Sportsmans Buck
See what happens as Zach Mikesell’s gets a shot at a 2013 Utah Sportsman Buck.
Length : 15:50

“Full Circle” – S1E4 | D.R.T. Hunting TV
After a slow 2011 season, Zach and Mike are headed out to fill their buck tags in Kentucky.
Length : 18:29

[ Tag Team ] 2014 – Beat Down Hunts
This video shows my wife going after her first deer ever! And on top of that she was able to do it with just a stick and string.
Length : 5:32
![[ Tag Team ] 2014 - Beat Down Hunts](
Recurve Bow Deer Hunt 2014 – Shane
Shane Reed takes to the woods in Armstrong county Pa with his Bob Lee recurve bow during the late whitetail deer season.
Length : 6:35

The Smoke Pole – Beat Down Hunts
This is a short clip to get people excited about muzzle loader season!
Length : 1:04

2013 Compound Bow Deer Hunting – Brady
Brady McCauley and his brother Nic hunt for doe with their compound bows in Armstrong county, Pa, on October 18th.
Length : 5:25