A Team Prostaff
Hunting Highlights ATP
ATP presents the newest release from 2010-2011 video library. Highlight hunting footage from a variety of recent adventures. See it all here in “Greatest Hunts”, including special guests and 8 kill shots on trophy game.
Length : 4:53

ATP 2011: Big Whitetail Buck, 2011 Rifle
Brandt Smith with A Team Prostaff films himself on this heart pounding, fast action Whitetail hunt, in southern Nebraska.
Length : 8:57

ATP: Top 10 Bow, Mule Deer Monster 200+ B+C Archery Season
Archery Mule Deer Monster 200+ B+C dropped by ATP in this new hunting footage. Brandt Smith behind the bow and Steve Ficco behind camera
Length : 14:49

A Team Prostaff: Steve’s Giant Whitetail Buck, New 2011
Right here, Steve’s new Nebraska Rifle hunt. Steve Ficco with A Team Prostaff gets down right dirty on a giant 150 inch class Whitetail in Southern Nebraska day one of the firearm season
Length : 12:47

A Team Prostaff: New 2011 Awesome Kills, Archery Whitetail
Brandt Smith with A Team Prostaff is in Nebraska knocking down Whitetails with his Bowtech Guardian. After taming down the doe population and putting a coyote in check, Brandt nails a 145 P+Y buck on November 9th at 40 yards.
Length : 16:33

A Team Prostaff: Rifle Whitetail Buck, “The Beginning”, Steve’s Hunt
Rifle season in Nebraska continues here with Steve Ficco’s whitetail buck. On November 14th, second day firearms, a big buck circles up a draw following a doe.
Length : 6:53

A Team Prostaff: Rifle Whitetail Buck, “The Beginning”
Three guys, three states, and 1 Team is A Team Prostaff. The hunting footage for you begins now with “The Beginning”, part 1. In this video, Brandt hunts a mature whitetail deer in Nebraska.
Length : 5:56

2011 Muzzleloader Elk
ATP presents this new 2011 muzzleloader elk hunt. Steve Ficco teams up with Jeff Longnecker in pursuit of a 320 plus bull. The weather is hot but a cool storm works its way in perfectly with day two.
Length : 14:34

A Team Prostaff: Antelope Rifle Hunt, 2011
Check out this new exotic hunt from A Team Prostaff. Brandt Smith and Steve Ficco pursue a pronghorn antelope in Eastern Colorado.
Length : 10:20

CO Rifle Elk Tags
This week A Team Prostaff heads to Western Colorado Unit 40. Brandt Smith takes the lead in this hunt searching for the right trophy bull elk. After waiting 8 years to draw this tag, anticipation has only increased.
Length : 15:00

A Team Prostaff: 2011 Archery Mule Deer
Steve Ficco and Brandt Smith with A Team Prostaff show how no guides, no leases, and no outfitters can pay off huge. In this video, Steve tags a nice 180 inch mule deer.
Length : 14:07

A Team Prostaff: 2011 Archery Elk Hunt
A Team Prostaff features a new archery elk hunt in this 2011 video. The footage shows activity and a kill, during two days of hunting in Colorado.
Length : 15:00