Duck Hunting
DV: Diver Duck Hunting
Follow Donnie Vincent riding the icy Lake Michigan, #hunting for divers and sea ducks.
Length : 2:33

The X: Weather Dictates
The calendar can save your duck hunting season when warm temperatures delay migrations. Learn more from Fowled Reality in ‘The X’ video series.
Length : 10:56

Duck? Duck? Goose!
This video is a teaser from B3 Film’s Oklahoma hunt last weekend with HR Outfitters.
Length : 1:21

The X: Hunting Sea Ducks
A hunt unlike any Fowled Reality has ever filmed. Sea ducks in the Atlantic Ocean! An awesome experience with Knock-em-down guide service that wouldn’t have been complete without the true ocean experience of sitting through 5-6 foot rolling waves.
Length : 9:18

Duck Hunting In Alberta
The Fowled Reality crew is in Alberta. And the shooting is as good as it gets.
Length : 9:31

MN Public Land Duck Hunting
Fowled Reality is back with another series of The X. Follow the exciting first segment as they duck hunt Minnesota public land.
Length : 9:43

Uncaged | The Band Man
Watch this short feature on Chuck Cage, an outfitter in the Mississippi Delta for forty plus years. He has been hunting ducks since childhood, and over the years has collected more than 115 U.S. Fish and Wildlife bands.
Length : 4:27

Ducks Unlimited Balancing Act
Ducks Unlimited delivers a new film about two hunters balancing multiple demands on their time while still making hunting a priority.
Length : 10:00

B3 Films: The Honey Hole
The B3 Films Waterfowl Team takes you to their family’s land for a duck hunt in what they call “The Honey Hole”.
Length : 7:09

Long December
The December 2014 weather made for some tough waterfowl hunting. Unseasonably warm and cloudy conditions combined with a large early November migration made for stale ducks and geese.
Length : 11:58

Wounded Warrior Waterfowl
This is the first of 2 videos from the Wounded Warrior Waterfowl Hunt with Peterson Outdoors Ministries.
Length : 17:53

The Barley Swaths
Barley farming practices in Canada offer incredible duck hunting opportunities.
Length : 12:04

Alberta Pea Field Duck Hunt
Duck hunters dream of hunting in Canada. It’s the breeding grounds for waterfowl, birds are abundant, and they haven’t received much hunting pressure yet. Farming practices are much different than here in the US which has both positives and negatives.
Length : 10:21

This waterfowl film takes you back to last Fall as the guys joined up with Joe and his dog Ruby to film and get an inside look at duck hunting.
Length : 2:02

Carving A Legacy
In this film we learn about a Long Island, NY family that has a common passion for waterfowl hunting, decoy carving, and conservation.
Length : 11:43

Short Of A Long Love Story
Rockhouse Motion presents ‘The Short Of A Long Love Story’.
Length : 1:45

Wings Of The North
Experience waterfowl hunting POV style from Disciples of the Flyway Outdoor Productions.
Length : 1:12

Swarms of Minnesota Mallards
The Fowled Reality crew joins the Hard Core Decoys crew for a dry-field mallard hunt on the final weekend of the Minnesota duck season.
Length : 11:36

Public Land Duck Hunting
Hit the waters and air with Fowled Reality as the crew endures bitter cold in Kansas on a public land duck hunt.
Length : 10:54

Smoke And Feathers
Jim Guffey, a conservationist, ecologist, traditionaist, father and ducker hunter, summarizes his love for the outdoors into a simple two part formula: Smoke & Feathers
Length : 3:07

Planning Duck Hunts
The Fowled Reality crew illustrates how to plan for an epic duck hunt.
Length : 5:03

Stacked Against Us
Duck hunting on public land offers many challenges. Combine the high pressure environment with warm weather and a full moon and duck hunters are in for a tough hunt. We experienced all of this this past fall in Missouri.
Length : 14:37

A Step Behind
Duck hunting as temperatures warm and frozen water thaws can be a challenge as ducks move to new resources. Combine warmer weather with a bunch of rain and duck patterns virtually reset.
Length : 11:25

Waterfowl Hunter
In waterfowl hunting there are good days and there are bad. On a lot of hunts, the worse the conditions the better the hunting.
Length : 12:45

Sportdog’s The Fowlers
Duck hunting journeys and discussion of these stories. Check out more inside “The Fowlers” with Category Managers Darrell Douglas, Clay Thompson, and COO Willie Wallace.
Length : 4:23

You Never Know
Fowled Reality presents another exciting episode of waterfowl hunting in “YOU NEVER KNOW”.
Length : 13:12

When It’s Time, It’s Time
Duck hunting is about the here and now. Often times, birds are in a spot for a couple days then move on due to weather and/or changing food sources. As a duck hunter, when you get an opportunity to hunt a large concentration of birds, you better do it as soon as possible because they could be gone tomorrow.
Length : 12:58

The Ditch Part 2
On our duck hunting trip to Oklahoma last year, we were fortunate enough to hunt the same location three days in a row and shot limits of ducks every day. It was one of those trips where the stars aligned and everything worked in our favor. We never dreamed it could happen again.
Length : 11:34

The Hand You’re Dealt
Planning an out of state duck hunting trip requires months of preparation. Vacation needs to be planned and lodging needs to be reserved. Duck hunters are at the mercy of mother nature when it comes time for their hunt.
Length : 11:04