Tooth & Fang
In this film collaborated over a 3-year span, Montana Wild gives an inside look at the extremes of coyote hunting and why it’s so vital to managing this invasive species.
Length : 46:13

Searching Sage
Join Mountain Made Media as they head out for predator management in the Oregon desert, one coyote at a time.
Length : 1:57

T2K: Committed S3E3
Corey Groff is a dedicated predator hunter from Southern Missouri. His commitment to coyote hunting each year is inspiring to say the least. Here are just a few of his hunts.
Length : 17:03

Off To See The Wizard
Follow the 4th episode of the predator hunting series from B3 Films. This time it’s B3 team members Jeremy Brewer, Aaron Radney Robert Blackstock coyote hunting.
Length : 4:40

B3 Films: Ventilated
B3 films continues with their 3rd episode of the new predator hunting series.
Length : 7:31

B3 Films: CoyoteLight
This video is about CoyoteLight CL1 Promo in association with B3 Films.
Length : 4:55

B3 Films: First Blood
Aaron Radney and Robert Blackstock from the B3 Films predator team hunt coyotes on a Texas property that continues to produce.
Length : 4:56

T2K: Honey Hole S2E6
Follow Neal Morris on his journey to keep coyotes in check during the offseason.
Length : 5:25

T2K: S2E5 Lone Yote
Join T2K in episode 5 as Devin, Tony, and Caleb try their luck predator hunting.
Length : 3:58

Bowhunter helps Rancher with Killer Coyote
Dan Pickar hunts a coyote caught in the act of feeding on a beef cow that it had killed the night before as she was giving birth.
Length : 3:14

Bow Hunter Saves Young Deer
Watch what happens when bowhunter Heath Sartini encounters two coyotes attacking a fawn. To this deer’s luck there was predator control just over the hill. You must see to believe what happened next.
Length : 2:30

High Noon Dog
Robert Blackstock and Ben Montgomery go for a mid day hunt for predators and they are shocked at how quickly they get a response!
Length : 6:43

First Blood S1E5
This is a predator hunt featuring Caleb Luebbering taking down his first coyote.
Length : 5:05

The Sunrise Advantage E4
With deer season ending, Neil and Jordan are getting in some predator control.
Length : 7:08

Donkeys On Patrol
Robert Blackstock and Jeremy Brewer’s coyote hunt gets real interesting when some donkeys try to take care of the predator problem for them.
Length : 7:08

Predator Suppressed Blackout
The Coyote Rifle Mod 1 in 300 Blackout from LongRifles Inc makes it’s debut on this predator hunt in mid February 2014.
Length : 12:01

Suppressed™ Defiant
This is “Defiant” from Team Ops. When ones instinct of aggression, is stronger than his instinct of awareness.
Length : 13:53

Darkness To Light
An ordinary Oklahoma coyote hunt takes on a deeper meaning in this new short film from Whitetail Warriors.
Length : 1:52

Fillin The Bumper
After a week of subzero temps we decided to meet up with Matt Piippo for a day of coyote hunting. The -18 degree day had the dogs hungry and eager to come to the call.
Length : 3:49

Travel with Team OPS, as James and Keith hinder the elements and advance into a domain that yields success. With over a mile under our feet in subzero windchill, they “CONCLUDE” 2013, with more extreme predator hunting footage.
Length : 13:11

Lost In Translation
Late season predator hunting in South Dakota with the breading season in full swing and mild temps making food plentiful. The O’Neill Ops team sets out on a substantial hike due to an unexpected wind switch across some walk-in land to get to a little known spot on the opposite side of private land.
Length : 7:41

Suppressed Tandem
Check out O’Neill Ops as once again, the Father Son team put in a mile, and take out a pair inside some great predator hunting footage!
Length : 8:58

More To It
Kevin Beetel with Good Times Hunting shares a video that stresses that “There’s more to deer hunting than shooting deer.
Length : 2:51