Cody Altizer
Dear Hunter
The current state of hunting and conservation intrigues me and worries me. We’re at a crossroads right now, but the decisions we make now will determine the future of our hunting heritage and the wildlife we love and cherish. This film is my letter to the hunting community.
Length : 5:54

Cody Altizer Yukon Reel
Cody Altizer shares highlights from his past year in ‘The Yukon’
Length : 3:40

Inspired by the geometric principle of chirality, this is a story that Cody Altizer wanted to try and tell for a long time. This is a film about one person, one hunter; identical, and yet opposite. They are the same person, but they behave differently. Good, bad; to love or to kill.
Length : 11:41

Drumming Log Wildlife Mgmt
In an age where wildlife management and conservation have become a popular hashtag to serve one’s own agenda, it’s rare to find someone who lives the lifestyle, and does it for the right reasons.
Length : 4:17

Salt Of The Earth
Cody Altizer expresses his thoughts about deer hunting and what it means to him.
Length : 19:19

2013 Photo Slideshow
A collection of the shots that best tell my 2013 story behind the camera. All images were captured on a Canon 7D and 5D Mark III with Canon L-series glass.
Length : 5:12

A short film that shows that hunting is more about co-existing with the natural world than killing an animal.
Length : 6:02

Quality Deer Management Association – Promo
Cody Altizer created this short film for the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) hoping to reflect the integrity, principles, and quality of their organization with high quality video in a short story.
Length : 0:56