More in Bear
Bow Hunting Classic’s: Relentless Pursuit’s Tim Wells Amazing Bear Hunt
Tim Wells is an elite-professional bow hunter featured in videos and tv show “Relentless Pursuit”. Wells does not use sites on his bow, he uses his fingers.
Length : 15:30

Alaska Brown Bear Charges Hunters
This brown bear charges two hunters, after apparently feeling threatened. It is common in Alaska to use the river as a road way for quick access to a hunting zone.
Length : 5:32

Bow Hunters Catch A Large Brown Bear Sleeping
These bow hunters manage to get very close to what appears to be a sleeping bear. The bear is a brown bear and is fairly large.
Length : 4:29

Massive Alberta Bear
While scouting the area in this Alberta Canada hunting area on his quad this hunter comes across the nice black bear.
Length : 2:46

Canadian Black Blonde
Bear will color change as you can see in this Canadian Black Bear, as his fur is almost a dirty blonde color.
Length : 2:54

Bow Hunting Bear – Setting Up The Perfect Shot
Since using a bow requires you to get your animal in one shot in most cases, especially when hunting a fast animal, you need to get a lot closer to your target to ensure you get off a perfect shot.
Length : 2:55

Bow Hunting Bear In Canada
Archery is a fast growing sport and its reach is far. Archery and hunting go hand in hand as many hunters prefer a bow to a rifle.
Length : 7:31

Using Hunting Dogs To Hunt Bear
In this video we go bear hunting in Vancouver using hound dogs to wear down the bear. The dogs can catch a hint of the bear in the wind and zero in on their location
Length : 5:48

Hinchinbrook Bear
Grizzly bears have roamed the wild since the beginning of time. Nevertheless, few bears if any can match up with this massive grizzly and the true story behind it. The Great Hinchinbrook Bear is the title most have heard or seen of this story before.
Length : 1:04

Remington Magnum Giant Bear Hunt
The hunter in this video is named Wayne. Using a 7mm Remington magnum rifle, he makes a precise shot on a giant black bear. The bear, which ends up being seven feet tall, doesn’t make it very far. Wayne makes an awesome shot.
Length : 0:09

Bear Hunt, No bait. Brought In By Call
From Off Trail productions, this video features a bear hunter in Idaho. In this particular hunt, he is not allowed to use dogs or bait, which forces him to use a call. After some time and great calling, he makes an awesome shot on a giant black bear.
Length : 8:42

Hunting Black Bears Featuring Jim Shockey
This clip is taken from the popular television show, “Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures.” Jim Shockey is the host of the program. Episodes can be seen regularly on the Outdoor Channel, which features a variety of hunting, sports and outdoor shows.
Length : 4:49

Bow Hunting Black Grizzly
Bow hunting is a class of hunting that many hunters are drawn too for the simple fact of the challenge. Precise shots and accuracy are very important with any weapon but even more so with bow. In this video an unknown hunter camo’s up and uses his deer stand to setup for a perfect shot.
Length : 6:31

Deer Hunts And Bear Visual In Pennsylvania
Deer Hunting Video #6 2010 from Pennsylvania hunts gives a look at a couple of doe hunts with season closing to an end, and a bear who decides to visit.
Length : 7:03

Muzzleloader Vs. Black Bear
Hunting Michigan bears is what these 8 men set out to do in this video. Several of the hunters used different weapons but the hunter featured here is sporting his brand new muzzleoader.
Length : 12:25

Pat Garrette Alaskan Brown Bear Hunt
Brown bear guided hunts in Alaska have become very popular for exotic and traveling hunters. Pat Garrette takes us on a week long holdout on the right bear and it pays off. Pat is well known for his guided hunts and his own video’s he has on the market featuring himself taking down some trophies.
Length : 3:42

Legal Guided Black Bear Hunt
Guided hunts are great for hunters who don’t have access to the right location or territory. This is a video with a guided, black bear hunt. It’s a happy ending for this man who takes on his first bear kill with a black powder rifle.
Length : 10:00

Hunting Dogs Track Bear For Rifle Shot
Hunting Dogs is a term used to track and go after game on a hunt. There are recording of this talk of dogs for bear hunting dated back to and written by Theodore Roosevelt.
Length : 3:33

Buck McNeely Bear Hunt
Buck McNeely is a professional sportsman. You can watch him regularly on his popular television show, “The Outdoorsman with Buck McNeely.”
Length : 2:15

Monster Bear Taken Down In Canada
Rocky Drake is a professional hunter and outdoorsman for PSE Archery, a popular source for precision shooting equipment.
Length : 1:50

Hunting Bears In Idaho By Miles 5 Outdoors
In this video by Miles 5 Outdoor Productions, a hunter takes down a monster bear in the thick woods of Idaho.
Length : 4:33

Bear Hunters Threatened By Climbing Bears
This video demonstrates the climbing abilities of bears and their tenacity to defend their territory. A group of bow hunters in Canada are in their tree stands high in the trees when a group of bears come in their area.
Length : 10:00

Bow Hunting Black Bear In Ontario
Often times a feeder station will be setup in a area where hunters know there is near by game. This is often the case with bear hunting. After the bear discovers the feeding station he will remember its location and return when hungry.
Length : 9:16

Hunting Bears In Alaska With A Bait Site
Bait sites are a popular way to get bears into an area. The bear catches a hint of the food and then follows it until it discovers the bait site. The bear will remember the bait site as a safe place to eat and will return as long as there is food present. Tree stands near by provide the perfect cover for the unsuspecting bears. This video shot in Kenai Alaska shows a good example of this.
Length : 4:21