More in Bear
Opening Day | Bear Season Prep
This is Brandon Lefebvre and his brother in-law setting up the stand for opening day of bear season.
Length : 0:51

IHC Season 2 Opener
The Highcountry, it’s truly one of the last the places on earth that is uninhabited by man. The dramatic weather changes and uncertainty of what lies ahead is not for the weak of heart.
Length : 2:07

Predator Call Black Bear
Melissa Bachman loves hunting black bear in Alaska, but her favorite method of hunting them is on the ground, calling them in for a shot.
Length : 22:30

Bear Cubs Rescued From Dumpster | Ruidso, N.M. 2012
Shirley and Tom Schenk of Ruidso, N.M., took action after discovering three bear cubs trapped in a Dumpster near their home. Armed with a ladder and a pickup truck, they helped the cubs escape.
Length : 1:10

Grizzly Bear Kills Moose | Alaska 08′
Grizzly bear caught on tape killing a moose outside a family’s house.
Length : 1:17

Tucker Spring Black Bear
An Exciting Hunt experience by JT Outdoors co-founder Tucker. This is the first bear hunt they ever been on with an Outfitter and it was a blast.
Length : 19:34

Roe Brown Bear
Dustin’s Roe’s brown bear hunt. Spectacular hunting clip showing the Sitka Athlete take a great shot from 14 yards with his G5 bow.
Length : 1:37

Wolves Moving In On Bear Sites | Idaho 2012
These hunters noticed something different with bear movement at their bait sites. See why they are convinced that wolves are moving in with authority on these bait sites.
Length : 5:37

SW Alaska Bear Hunt
Bear hunting trip to Prince of Wales in Southwest Alaska. Wil Askew sets off on this journey and experiences 6 days of intense hunting.
Length : 21:05

Mother Black Bear With Cubs – 2013
John Royer films a mother black bear with two cubs while turkey hunting on 5/18/2013.
Length : 3:04

Sleeping Bear Above Treestand, Jim Brennan 2011
Surprise bear encounter for Jim Brennan when he sat down in his tree-stand. After several minutes passing, he heard a noise and looked above him to see a sleeping bear.
Length : 1:57

Black Bear Encounter PA 2013
John Royer has a close encounter with a big black bear while turkey hunting on 5/18/2013 in Clarion county.
Length : 2:14

Bear Falls from Tree | Boulder, Colorado
Big bear falls from tree in Boulder, Colorado. Wildlife officers were forced to dart the 200 lb. bear after he made way into an apartment complex.
Length : 0:56

ABC Week 8 Bear Hunt
This week a couple of Wildlife Pursuit Staff are bear hunting in Minnesota. Check it out in ABC week 8 titled Odds In Your Favor. Several factors contribute to the thrill of the hunt.
Length : 26:00

Salmon Stream Intensity, Grizzly Fight Compilation
Grizzly bears charging & fighting on the coast of Katmai. It’s feeding time and they show aggressive behavior during this time.
Length : 13:00

Bear + Mt Goat Hunting
Mountain goat hunting and a bear harvest. Hunting footage taken at Eklutna Lake, Alaska. Check out this new 2011 slideshow and video of the adventure.
Length : 6:55

Anything Wild Ontario Bear
Anything Wild presents Joe’s Bear Hunt. Archery hunting footage filmed in Western Ontario. Joe Nawrot is the staffer and he’s teamed up with Cygnet Lake Camp.
Length : 3:31

Canadian Archery Bear
Canadian black bear harvest in 2011 by Scott Threlkeld. He is owner of Hardcore Outdoors.
Length : 7:09

Bear Bluff Charge, Katmai Alaska Encounter
A close encounter with a grizzly brown bear for tourists researchers. They were supposed to be in safe viewing of the bears at Katmai National Park in their natural habitat.
Length : 0:39

Scavengers By Nature, Bear Clip
Bear captured on film by Christine Jackson. Showing a quick clip of a bear taking a fish for a meal. Food sources vary in availability for a bear. This hunting footage shows one of it’s favorites. A scavenger by nature caught on film.
Length : 0:20

Spring Bear Idaho
Tom with Base Camp Legends takes a spring bear harvest in Idaho. The challenge is on, he was hunting a unit that did not permit dogs or baiting. He lures in the black bear to a 120-yard range.
Length : 8:42

Melissa Bachman Bear Hunt
Melissa Bachman dropped off in a plane in Southeast Alaska for the ultimate-archery bear hunt. She calls in the big bruin from 150 yards to setup an intense archery shot. An amazing day all captured on film.
Length : 5:01

Season Three Reel, On Your Own Adventures
Season Three’s smoking reel for On Your Own Adventures. A hunting show dedicated to the exclusive non-guided hunts.
Length : 4:56

Camera Attacked By Bear, Nature 2011
This bear just can’t get enough of a camera in the woods. See more here showing the footage picked up on the interesting day. Photographer David Neils receives credit for the setup and picking up the amazing video.
Length : 2:27

Orphan Grizzly Cub Attacked By Mountain Lion
Grizzly cub crosses a stream and gets jumped by a mother mountain lion. A battle that visually seems unfair. Watch here as this mt. lion jumps from the tree lines knocking down the young bear. After a short attack the cub turns aggressive
Length : 1:42

Black Bear Climbs Occupied Tree Stand, Hunters Unforgettable Day
Rare moments occur in the outdoors and this hunter’s day defines these moments to the fullest. In this short clip, a bear climbs a tree stand while in use by the owner.
Length : 0:26

Grizzly Bear Hunt 2011: Tom Miranda Archery, Rangefinder
This hunting video goes into a remote region in search of a huge grizzly bear. Tom Miranda is the hunter and he takes his bow and Nikon Rangefinder to work.
Length : 6:25

Alagnak Brown Bear On River Bank
Wildlife footage taken on the Alagnak river in Katmai Wilderness.
Length : 0:41

Leatherwood Outdoors Archery 2011: Bow Hunting Deer Pennsylvania #1
More opening week footage of archery season 2011 with Leatherwood Outdoors. In this clip Hunter Ruby films John Royer deer hunting Clarion County. See more here as their trip to the stand is slightly delayed by a mother bear and two cubs.
Length : 5:25

Bear Whisperer : Blaine
“The food chain stops here” with Blaine Anthony and his new anticipated tv show “The Bear Whisperer”. Its begins airing on Sportsman’s Channel Wednesday September 28th at 6:30et.
Length : 1:56

Chris Brackett, Black Bear Bowhunting
Chris Brackett is well known in the outdoor industry for his educational videos. In this video, Chris goes back to a black bear hunt with Arrow Affliction.
Length : 3:24

07′ Highlights Saskatchewan Outdoors
This highlight video was dedicated to the people who made the footage happen. Saskatchewan Outdoors gets credit for these awesome hunts and shows their variety of hunting in these top shots of 2007.
Length : 8:35