A New Mexico True Story | Short Films
About Video
Uploaded on 17 May, 2016
Sometimes hunting isn’t about hunting at all. It’s about the journey, not the outcome. This New Mexico True Story follows Trevon Stoltzfus, native New Mexican, on his hunt for the Persian ibex near Deming. Through his television show, Outback Outdoors, Trevon is inspiring others to chase their dreams, no matter how elusive they may be.
Produced by Ryan Heffernan affiliated with Outback Outdoors.
Length : 2:41
Categorized as: Staff Picks Big Game Partners Short Films Hunting Americas Mountain Goat Outback Outdoors
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Fantastic film! amazing animals!!
July 26, 2014 at 11:05 am
Mista Lee
Nice 1!
July 28, 2014 at 5:50 am
I’d have to shape up for this for sure.
August 14, 2014 at 1:23 am
Clay D.
Congrats on the experience! I have yet to accomplish an ibex by bow harvest. Is this part of a bigger film?
August 18, 2014 at 5:51 am
AR Hunter
Great video… NM Ibex are awesome hunts. Very tuff and very challenging. NOT for the Road hunter and that mountain will chew you up with out thinking twice about and not even care. My brother got a good Billie with a Muzzle Loader but the amazing one is my then 14yr Old Niece got a Nanny tag and filled it on the first morning by 9am…. THEN she got ANOTHER Nanny tag when she was 15yrs old and I went with her on that one…. she tagged out by 8am in 2017 on her 2nd Nanny Hunt with a 438yd shot! One video is up on ARHunters YT Channel and the other one is in post review now and soon to be added. Took us over 1.5hrs to get to the site an hour to recover it before we started processing it and then the rest of the mid day to get off the mountain.
May 8, 2017 at 12:07 am