TSD Thin Air | Short Films
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Uploaded on 28 April, 2015
2015 Badlands Film Fest Entry and 3rd place finisher. The Southern Draw crew heads out of their element and into the highcountry of Colorado on their first ever Mule Deer hunt. They leave the bows behind this time as they learn the ropes of chasing after an unfamiliar species. Both Josh and Adam find success on their first try and have definely developed a thirst for western big game hunting!
Length : 9:09
Categorized as: Short Films Staff Picks Big Game Recommended Videos Partners Deer Rifle Hunting Hunting Americas Deer Team Southern Draw
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Great story! Amazing adventure and an awesome hunt!
January 17, 2015 at 6:39 am
Thanks DeeDee. It was a life changing hunt for us southern boys!
January 20, 2015 at 9:24 am
Way to stick in there. Crazy how it works out with little time 😉
January 22, 2015 at 3:28 am
Its illegal to shoot at structures in Colorado…. Pretty sure I wouldnt show that last kill shot.
February 8, 2015 at 10:01 pm
Josh Mo
Hey Tim! Thanks for the heads up! We actually werent as close as it may appear. Using a 400 mm lens can really distort distances. If you look earlier in the film, there is a shot with a road in the background that is actually several miles away but appears to be right there! Beyond that, the cameraman was to the side of the hunter so even if it looks like we were lined up with the cabin, it was never in line of site of the hunter. I am happy you watched our film to the end though! It was the most fulfilling hunt we had all ever been on so we are excited to be able to watch it over and over as well as share it with others. Thanks! – Josh
February 11, 2015 at 2:10 am