Sheep Shape Trailer 1 | Shows
About Video
Uploaded on 27 November, 2014
Launching on the Sportsman Channel July 2015 is a documentary/reality style program that will follow four (4) different hunters on one of the most extreme and challenging mountain hunting quests in North America, hunting North American wild sheep. The program will test the mind, body and soul of each hunter by first putting them through a grueling training program to prepare them for these difficult high country hunts.
Each hunter’s story will unfold from their personal life challenges, through the training program and hunt preparations, then to the actual hunts. The hunters will be helped through the process by their coaches whom will be well known industry personalities with extensive experience in mountain hunting.
There will be various points of view introduced into the program from the trainers, coaches, family members, doctors, outfitters, guides, and the hunters themselves. The feel will be raw and the conditions will be mentally and physically taxing with the intent to create one hell of a roller-coaster of emotions including blood, sweat and tears along-the-way.
A 2014 co-production between Reel Wild Creative and Rusted Rooser Media
For more information please visit: SheepShape.TV
Length : 4:41
Categorized as: Shows Short Clips Sheep
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NIce 😎
November 19, 2014 at 12:12 pm
I’ll be tuning in
November 21, 2014 at 1:55 am
Looks like a challenge, good luck all
December 2, 2014 at 5:36 am