New Zealand Land-scapes Timelapse 2 | Short Films
About Video
Uploaded on 8 April, 2013
Bevan Percival shares another great work with timelapse and nature.
“This timelapse features my best work yet. It represents hours and hours of dedication to the art. I’m driven by chasing fleeting moments of damatic light on beautiful landscapes and also capturing the night sky and milky way in all it’s glory is a real buzz. Not be mention curling up out under the stars beside all the gear for whole nights at a time catching some sleep here and there between checking the gear and changing batteries and staring up into eternity with spectacular meteors burning up in the cosmic shore out the corner of your eye. Doing this sort of thing has bought me closer and closer to the wilderness.
There is something about doing this sort of stuff that just makes you want to keep coming back for more and more. Maybe it’s the experience of being out there at one with the incredible beauty of this landscape. Maybe it’s the challenge of capturing it in the camera in the way that you witnessed it. Maybe it’s the excitement of seeing just what you got when you finally render it all out. Maybe it’s the satisfaction you get out of showing this to other people. Most probably it’s a combination of all things.
I hope you enjoy watching this timelapse. Please leave a comment if you wish, I’d love to hear from you. It is my hope that in bringing back a little piece of nature to portray in this way helps spark the respect we need to have for such an incredible place. All scenes shot in the North Island of New Zealand.” – Bevan P.
Main equipment used:
Canon 5D Mark II & various Canon Lenses
Dynamic Perception Stage Zero 6ft Dolly
Length : 5:59
Categorized as: Short Films Nature & Timelapse
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Appreciate the recommendation. Will try it out.
March 14, 2015 at 3:04 pm